Woman Claims She Wants To Marry Her Comforter For The “Best Hugs Ever”

There are very few things in the world that feel as good as having the love of your life snuggle up to you. But what if your snuggling partner happens to be an inanimate object?

A lot of us are able to find comfort, security, and refuge within the warm wraps of our comforters and blankets. This is especially true on those cold nights when all you want to do is lay in all bundled up within the sheets. The temperatures are rapidly dropping all around the world especially around this time of the year.

It’s so tempting to just spend most of the day in bed wrapped up like a burrito.

We can all probably relate to this, right? We all find comfort within our own beds. But one woman has actually managed to take things to the extreme. She doesn’t just want to cuddle and snuggle with her duvet. She actually wants to marry it.

Pascale Sellick is a middle-aged woman who makes a living as an artist. She has recently found love in her life and is engaged to be married. But it’s not the most conventional type of romantic engagement. She actually plans on marrying her comforter. And she is offering a public invitation for everyone to pay witness to her wedding.

Pascale Pauly Sellick – Facebook

This is what Sellick had to say about it:

“My duvet is the longest, strongest, most intimate and reliable relationship that I have ever had. That’s because it has always been there for me and gives me great hugs. I love my duvet so much I would like to invite people to witness my union with the most constant, comforting companion in my life. There will be music and a ceremony, laughs, and entertainment.”

Pascale event went as far so as to hire Anna Fitzgerald of WooHoo Art Events to actually help plan and organize her wedding celebration. She just wants everything to go as smoothly and as cleanly as possible and she feels like Fitzgerald can help her do just that.

Pascale Pauly Sellick – Facebook

Naturally, Anna was quick to share her thoughts on the unusual circumstances surrounding their arrangement:

“This is the most out there art happening to date. I’m really pleased to be involved. Valentine’s day can be depressing for lots of people so, hopefully, this will lift peoples’ spirits. It would be wonderful if folks could shake off their English reserve and rock up in their sleepwear for a bit of light-hearted frivolity.”

Sellick actually has plenty of things in mind for the ceremony and that’s why she has recruited the help of a professional such as Fitzgerald to help her execute everything to perfection.

Pascale Pauly Sellick – Facebook

She has described her upcoming wedding ceremony to be as lavish as a wedding party could be. The celebration is going to take place at Rougemont Gardens in Exeter, Devon, England. The ceremony is also going to be followed by a free-for-all wedding party at The Glorious Art House on Fore Street.

All of the guests are requested to wear dressing gowns, pajamas, slippers, and onesies to adhere to the theme of the wedding. In addition to that, guests are also encouraged to bring teddy bears and hot water bottles to help battle the cold weather during the ceremony. The bride is planning to wear a nightgown with a pair of fluffy bedroom slippers. She also plans on wearing a dressing gown as well.

But for the comforter itself, it’s going to remain a secret. Sellick wants to be able to surprise the people in attendance with what the duvet will be wearing. All of the vows are going to be read in front of a non-religious celebrant.

Sellick also claims that their honeymoon will take place in the bedroom department of Ikea. And it’s also scheduled to last for two weeks.


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