Woman Gets Called a Jacka** for Not Paying Bill to a Dinner She was Invited to

Good friendships are hard to come by. If you have real friends who truly care about you and look out for you – cherish them forever, real friendships are rare to come by in a world where everyone is after getting something from you.

Such is today’s Reddit story about a woman who got invited to dinner by her close friend. He brought some of his friends without telling her. They had a nice little dinner, but then they excused themselves and expected her to pay.

She, Sowhythisagain, posted her story on AITA (Am I the A**hole?) and asked whether she was wrong for not paying. She wrote:

“The other night, one of my close friends invited me out for dinner, so I accepted since we’ve been pals for a few years. He invites some of his friends (without telling me) to come along, but naturally I don’t mind since I’m sure it’s just a small gathering of people he knows. We eat and have a few laughs together, nothing out of the usual until they all get up and tell me they’re going to go out for a smoke. After 5 minutes I notice that they weren’t in front of the store anymore, and I continued waiting for 10 more. I call my friend but he doesn’t answer his phone, and he KNEW that I was struggling with money at the time. He and his friends come back, 20 MINUTES LATER, and ask why I didn’t pay for dinner yet. I said that he invited me and I expected him to pay, and he called me a jerk for ‘expecting him to pay for everything’. Eventually he did end up paying for it, but all of his friends called me a jacka** for waiting for them so long without paying on my own. AITA?”

The Responses

Just reading through this woman’s story can tell you what the Reddit community said. They supported her fully. For context, NTA means “Not the A**hole.” Here are some of the best comments showing support and some decent advice:

the_bribonic_plague wrote:

“Those are not your friends. NTA. Drop and block”

justanothergeekygirl commented:

“That’s not a friend, that’s a mooch. Drop him. NTA.”

Old_Camel_1706 said:

“NTA, you don’t invite people out to pay for your food.”

You can read all of the replies and comments on Reddit here.

Our Response

Most-definitely NTA. She didn’t do anything wrong for not paying for her “friends.” They’re not friends; they don’t sound like friends even remotely.

They even had the audacity to call her a jacka** because they just presumed she’d pay for them – horror friend story if we’ve ever read one. We hope this woman finds real friends in life, not people who just want to mooch off her.

What’s Your Response?

What’s your take on this situation? Has this happened to you? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Source: Reddit

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