Woman Quits Job to Stay Home and ‘Serve’ Husband, Says It’s Her ‘Duty’ As A Woman

A ‘trad wife’ has shared her decision to leave her career as an optician to become a full-time homemaker, focusing on “serving” her husband through cooking and cleaning. Mikayla Herrmann, residing in Oklahoma, devotes her days to household chores and caring for farm animals, while her husband Samuel Herrmann, 31, serves as a boss in a blacksmith machinery company.

The 26-year-old made the transition from city life to the countryside after marrying five years ago, continuing a family tradition as the sixth generation of women to embrace a stay-at-home role. Despite facing criticism from trolls who label her as ‘oppressed,’ Mikayla remains steadfast in her choice.

The couple first crossed paths at a church function in 2017 and quickly developed a strong connection. They got engaged in May 2018 and tied the knot just three months later. Dedicated to her role, Mikayla expresses her enjoyment in serving her husband meals crafted from home-grown vegetables, farm-sourced meat, and homemade bread using self-milled flour.

Despite finding fulfillment in her chosen lifestyle, Mikayla frequently encounters Instagram comments from strangers criticizing her as ‘oppressed’ and ‘lazy.’ Nevertheless, she emphasizes that being a housewife is a deliberate choice and a commitment she willingly made.

“I was always looking forward to meeting my husband and becoming a housewife because that’s what I’ve always seen women in my life do and what I’ve always wanted to do,” Mikayla said. “My mom and [my husband’s] mom have done the same thing, our grandparents have done the same thing. We’re probably the fifth or sixth generation of home-making wives.”

She added, “We had always known that once we got married that [my husband] was going to be the provider for me and I would be the stay-at-home wife and take care of everything around the home.”

A typical day for Mikayla begins by rising fairly early and tending to the farm and their animals.

“In the spring and summer I have to get out there very early, take care of everything, milk our goats, hay the animals and work on the garden, she shared.

“I also try to cook everything from scratch from my home so that takes quite a while too to prepare for each meal. My husband comes home and he has breakfast here, he has lunch here and comes home for dinner, so I’ve got all of these different meals that I cook from scratch.”

She continued, “It usually takes an hour or more of preparation before he comes home to be ready for when he comes home for it. I definitely feel like it is my duty to serve my husband and for him to be the breadwinner of my house.”

“But he is such a kind person that he will never be frustrated at me if I’m having a bad day and I’m not able to get food on the table whenever he walks through the door.”

The content creator shares her life as a housewife on social media, where she advocates for homemaking among fellow wives. However, she acknowledges that she frequently encounters ‘hateful’ comments from some users.

“Someone had commented on one of my videos that I was a “tradwife” and I had to Google it because I didn’t know if this was a bad thing or a good thing,” she revealed. “I am definitely a tradwife. Our values are very traditional and pretty much every video of tradwife things that I saw, I can relate to.”

“I love it because I get to promote homemaking to other wives who maybe don’t have that multiple generation family, that are also homemakers.”

While Mikayla and Samuel currently do not have children, they aspire to expand their family in the future. Their plans include opting for home births and homeschooling for their kids.

“People think I’m ‘oppressed’ but I am definitely not. I chose to have this job. My husband isn’t forcing me into serving him in any way.”

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Source: Daily Mail

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