Woman Revealed Her Ex-Boyfriend had Spreadsheets for Everything he Bought for her Down to Last Penny

It’s completely fine to split expenses while dating but keeping a record of every single penny you spend on your partner, like a banana or a slice of bread? Well, that’s absurd.

A woman revealed that her ex-boyfriend used to make excel spreadsheets every month to divide their shared expenses and wrote every single cent he would spend on her like a banana, coke, or a sandwich.

The woman named Maddy from Toronto, Canada took to TikTok and shared a couple of videos to explain how her ex would keep a record of every penny he spent and ask her to pay back by emailing her a ‘color-coded’ spreadsheet at the end of every month.

“It wasn’t this big discussion or this shocking email that I woke up to one morning. It was more, so him gradually asking me to start splitting more things with him,” the 26-year-old revealed on TikTok.

According to Maddy, the whole thing didn’t bother her much then; she was naïve and didn’t know how things work in a relationship. She said she was okay with it back then, but now that she thinks about it, she would call it a ‘big red flag.’

“Like, if he would bring over a bottle of wine on date night, he would ask me for $6. I know, that’s weird. It got to the point where there were so many expenses juggling around both of our heads that he was like, “This is easier if I write it down,” she said.

Maddy said her boyfriend started sending the detailed document through email on her computer because they were both working and frequently checking their emails.

“That email would gradually turn into a document, and then that turned into the infamous excel. This was all over the course of a couple years, so it wasn’t that shocking.”

She said it wasn’t too alarming for her at that time as she comes from a financial background, but she definitely didn’t find it charming.

“As you can see, he was nice enough to color-code it. At the bottom of this, I think it got cut out, would be the total of everything that I owed.”

Maddy said that when her ex-boyfriend (name not revealed) charged her for a banana and a slice of bread she had at his mom’s place, she lost it.

“I met his family once during [the three years that we dated]. They lived in a different city, so it was hard to see them,” she explained in her TikTok video

“When we traveled to see them, like the good guest that I am, I brought a little gift basket with wine, nice soaps, candles, and whatnot because I was going to be staying at his mom’s house for a couple of days.”

She said the trip was fine, and they mostly ate by themselves, but then they had one dinner and one breakfast with his mom.

“Me and my boyfriend ended up paying for that dinner because it was a little bit expensive, and we wanted to treat his mom,” she said. “Whatever, all is good. We get home from the trip, and a few days later, I get an email from my boyfriend that had the excel document in it.”

“But I noticed there was one line in the excel document that I was kind of confused about. The line just said, “Breakfast, $3.23.” 

The Canadian revealed that when she asked her boyfriend about those $3.23, he said, “Oh, that’s for the banana and piece of toast that you ate at my mom’s.”

Maddy said that she was completely shocked to hear that and it really angered her. “Excuse me, sir? He was like, “You ate that, so you owe me and my mom money.” This man was deada** trying to charge me for a banana and a piece of wonder bread. And I paid it, I gave him the $3.23.”

She concluded her video by saying that the whole thing was crazy and that she would never tolerate this kind of shit again.

Her clips received massive views on TikTok and hundreds of people shared their views in the comment section with the majority criticizing the ex for his sheer misery and calling him a big red flag.

“Omg girl, really? That’s super CRAZY!!!” one wrote.

“I would hate to live like this. I can barely remember my expenses each day, much less to do this,” a second commented.

“It’s like you’re living in a hotel, and these are your mini bar charges. Lol. The man needs a hobby and therapy. Damn,” a third user added.

Meanwhile, someone asked, “This was a relationship? And you dated him for three years???”

Share Your Thoughts:

What are your views on this woman’s story? Do you think the boyfriend’s doing was justifiable? Let us know your opinions in the comment section.

Source: TikTok

1 comment
  1. I definitely think this man needs therapy. And that woman should’ve broken up with him instead of thinking this is normal. There was no relationship there, especially when the main concern is what each of them owed the other. Hilarious.

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