Woman Says Her Ex told her She’d Never Lose Weight, So She Decided to Ditch him and Dropped Seven Dress Sizes

An influencer from The Wirral, Merseyside, claimed that she was in a ‘toxic relationship’ and her ex became ‘an obstruction.’

Helena Hara is a 27-year-old fitness influencer whose ex-boyfriend told her she could never lose weight and look smart. So, after almost seven years, Hara surprised not only his ex but everyone who thought she’d never be thin.

According to Daily Mail, back when she was 21 years old, Helena was addicted to snacks and chocolates. She used to order outside food on alternative days and wore size 20 clothes.

“I realized I was in a toxic environment. I was looking at a picture of a woman’s body on Instagram, and [my ex] told me I would never be thin and it would just never happen.”

“At this time, I had just started taking my social media profiles seriously, and I was starting to gain a lot of followers. It was around this time I started to lose weight, but I felt like he didn’t want me to lose any weight.”

“It got quite negative, he wasn’t happy, and he became an obstruction to me. I just needed to get out of the relationship.”

“I feel like when you are in a negative situation, it makes you a negative person, and because I was unhappy, I turned to food and emotional eating.”

“It was my comfort, and because I wasn’t able to do much, it was what I turned to.” She said.

According to Helena, when she realized her relationship had become toxic, she ditched her boyfriend. She also decided to adopt healthy eating habits and started working out.

“So, I Swapped pastries, pizza, and crisps with fish, protein shakes, and fruit. And I noticed that I started losing weight very quickly.”

“While changing my diet, I went to the gym almost daily to get active.” She added.

Now she works as a fitness influencer and uses her social media to spread positivity and train people online who need help with reducing their weight.

Helena is a size six now, single, and states she’s happy and content with her life.

“Now I go to the gym five to six times a week; I count my calories and macros and live a much more positive and healthy life.”

“Even my family have noticed such a change in me in an emotional way as I am so much more positive about life compared to how negative I used to be.”

“I did this for me; after being told I would never be thin, I made the gym a huge part of my life and changed my eating habits.”

“I lost all my confidence, and leaving him helped me get my life together in the way I needed to.”

She also said that despite being a food enthusiast, she keeps a strict check on her diet now.

“Before, I would snack all the time; I would always have food nearby, whether it be chocolate, crisps, cakes, McDonald’s, anything that was bad.”

“I would have takeaways all the time, and I would get a Chinese or a pizza for dinner. But now, I am so much more active, doing a lot of weight training and building up my muscle. I have lost five stone, but I have a lot of muscle weight now.”

Helena added that her ex-boyfriend texted her to tell her she looks good now. But it doesn’t matter what he thinks now.

“My ex was messaging me up until last year; he told me how much I have changed.”

“I would love to help people who want to better their lives and lose weight. I want to help them with fitness and eating habits, as I resonate a lot with that. It is close to my heart.”

“I have always struggled with food relationships, I still use it as a comfort now, but I just control what I eat a lot better now and have it in moderation. I still eat chocolate pretty much every day.”

“It is nothing like before, but I don’t restrict myself. I just try and eat a lot cleaner.”

“I give myself 2,300 calories a day, and it is in line with building muscle whilst maintaining a slender physique. I just feel as if I have a new lease of life.”

You can follow this queen on Instagram here.

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Daily Mail

Images & Featured Images via Helena Hara on Instagram

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