You Deserve To Have This Kind Of Guy

You deserve to have the kind of guy who treats you with respect.

You are one of a kind. You are entirely your own person and you should be proud of that. You shouldn’t ever have to feel like you don’t deserve the best you do. You deserve the best kind of love. You deserve to be loved by the best kind of guy. But there’s one thing that you really need to know you’re going to have to do a ton of waiting before you can meet the guy you really deserve to be with. And it’s always going to be worth the wait.

Unfortunately, there are just too many of us who try to fight it out in relationships that are just beneath us. These are the relationships that really aren’t worth any of our time or attention. These are the relationships that are just all struggle and never any peace. As we go on through life, we start to discover that we really can’t afford to just settle for any kind of love. We start to discover that we can’t just keep wasting our time on relationships that don’t add any value to our lives.

You are an exceptional human being who is deserving of an exceptional kind of love and that exceptional love comes from an exceptional kind of guy.

You deserve to have the kind of guy who you can open yourself up to. This is the man who is going to make you feel completely comfortable whenever you’re together. He’s going to make you feel like you can say absolutely anything at any moment.

You deserve to have the kind of guy who really pushes you to be better. This is the guy who is really going to motivate and inspire you to make the most out of your life. He will make you understand that a life of mediocrity and settling just isn’t an option anymore.

You deserve to have the kind of guy who makes you laugh. This is the guy who brings color and brightness into your life. He is going to be able to make you laugh even when you don’t want to smile. He has a great sense of humor and he will always make you feel at ease with him.

You deserve to have the kind of guy who would never tire of making you happy. This is the guy who considers your happiness to be his own. He would always grab at any opportunity to make you happy. He will want to infect you with all of his positive energy.

You deserve to have the kind of guy who would fight for you. This is the guy who understands that he isn’t necessarily entitled to your love. He knows that he has to earn it. He knows that love is never designed to be easy and he’s willing to take on the challenge of sustaining the love in your relationship.

You deserve to have the kind of guy who isn’t afraid of sharing the future with you. He isn’t merely caught up in the moment. He is forward thinking and he’s responsible. He’s mature enough to know that it’s important to plan for the future.

You deserve to have the kind of guy who really gets you. This is the guy who really understands whatever you’re feeling at any given moment. This is the kind of guy who would always try his best to hear you out and make you feel like your thoughts and opinions are always valid. This is the kind of guy who would never tire of listening to you because he genuinely values whatever it is you have to say.

You deserve to have the kind of guy who makes you feel appreciated. This is the guy who would never waste an opportunity to tell you of your worth. This guy is going to make sure that you know just how much you mean to him. He would never hesitate to let you know just how amazing you are.

You deserve to have the kind of guy who treats you with respect. This is the guy who will respect you. This is a man who will never treat you any less than you deserve to be treated. This is a guy who understands that you have boundaries and he will always respect those boundaries.

You deserve to have the kind of guy who prioritizes you. This is the guy who will never make you feel like the second fiddle. He will always make it a point to prioritize you above other aspects of his life. You deserve to have the kind of guy who doesn’t break his promises. You deserve to have the kind of guy who loves you unconditionally.

We all have our individual pace. Love is going to come faster for some and later for others. It might seem unfair, but that’s just the way that life is. It forces us to wait; but in the end, the best things in life are always the things that are worth waiting for.

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