You Don’t Miss Your Ex, You Just Miss Being In Love

You don’t miss your ex, you miss the feeling of being the hopeless romantic who believed that the world was always meant to be nice and endearing.

In your mind, you think that you can’t bear life without having him by your side. In your mind, he was your world, and when he left, it’s as if darkness consumed your entire existence. You think that you miss the warmth of his embrace during those cold nights. You think that you miss the way you looked at each other on bright sunny days. You think that you miss the fullness of his lips whenever you kissed.

You have to realize that you really don’t miss him. You only miss the thought of him. You only miss the feeling of being in love. You only miss the feeling of being loved by someone.

You don’t necessarily miss his arms, you just miss the thought of being caught in someone’s embrace. You don’t necessarily miss his eyes, you just miss having someone look at you as if you’re the most important person in the world. You don’t necessarily miss his lips, you just miss the passion and love of a sultry kiss. You miss the security of being in a relationship. You miss the joy of being in a passionate union with someone else. You miss the bliss of believing in a love that could last forever. You miss the endless possibilities of having the kind of love that would never ever disappoint you. You definitely miss the ignorant happiness of a world that belonged entirely to yourself; one that you think you could always control; one that you think would never betray you.

You miss the feeling of being the hopeless romantic who believed that the world was always meant to be nice and endearing. You miss the thought of being given the love that you thought you deserved. Now that you’re stuck on the ground floor, you miss the feeling of being on the roof deck admiring the immense beauty of city lights.

You miss the innocence of new romance. You miss the pure and unadulterated essence of early romantic entanglements. You miss the butterflies in your tummy whenever you saw him around. You miss the subtle palpitations of your heart whenever he spoke sweet nothings to you. You miss the shiver down your spine for the times he whispered in your ear. You miss the tingles all over your body when he used to kiss your neck with such grace and gentleness. You miss the things that he did to you that you will never forget. However, it must be made clear that you only miss those aspects of the relationship. You don’t miss him as a person at all. – Continue reading on the next page

You miss the feeling of having the kind of love that most people chase after their entire lives. You miss the stability of having someone else to stand at your side when times get tough. You miss the intimate and deep conversations that you used to have together. You definitely miss being able to bare your soul without any fear of being judged. You miss the comfort of being around a person who makes you feel like you never have to change who you are.

But you always have to remember that you only miss these feelings, not the person. You only miss these memories, and not the boy who gave them to you. You don’t regret him leaving, you only regret the void that he left in his wake.

That boy who left you is someone you no longer know. This is not the same person who managed to make you feel all of the things that you crave most in life. This is not the same guy who used to make your heart skip a beat every so often. This is not the same guy who could always bring a smile to your face even when you were feeling down. That guy is long gone, and you have to understand that all that is left are the memories. Memories are what you miss; not the man.

Once upon a time, you did love him. But you have to understand that as time goes by, people change even when the feelings remain the same. Your feelings and cravings for love are still the same. That hasn’t changed about you. It’s just that the target of your affections chose to omit himself from the situation. He chose to leave you behind because he discovered something new about himself. He became a new person. So you don’t really miss him. You only miss the remnants of what he used to be.

So now, what you have to do is just move forward and find your happiness in something or someone else. You can’t trick yourself into thinking that this boy was, is, and will always be your only source of happiness. Life brings happiness from the most unsuspecting of circumstances. 

We need only a fresh perspective and an open heart. Don’t let yourself drown in the sadness of missing a boy who chose to leave you. You don’t really miss him after all.

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