You have made a huge mistake and there’s probably no way in hell that you are ever going to be able to fix it. You pushed this perfectly lovely woman into the arms of another man and you really missed out on a great opportunity. She was practically yours for the taking. She gave herself to you. She opened herself up to you. She wanted you to be her man for life. But you dropped the ball. You let go of the greatest opportunity that this life is ever going to give you. And there’s really no one else to blame but yourself. You pushed her into the arms of another man because you failed to show up whenever she needed you to do so. You pushed her into the arms of another man because you never really did anything to relieve her of her fears and insecurities. You pushed her into the arms of another man because you left her to deal with her anxieties and worries on her own.
You pushed her into the arms of another man because you were never really able to give her the things that she was looking for in love and relationships. You never really made an effort to meet her standards and expectations. You never really made an effort to keep this girl in your life and you didn’t know that you were pushing her towards the arms of another man by doing so. All she ever wanted was to be with someone who would love her deeply and unconditionally. She just wanted a man who would take care of her; someone who would make a conscious effort to always make her feel appreciated and adored. She just wanted a man who would love her wholeheartedly without any reservations whatsoever. She was looking for a man who would always stay by her side no matter how dire the situation may have gotten. She was looking for a guy who would be consistent and straight with her; a guy who would never stray from the path. She was waiting for the man who would be willing to stay at her side through thick or thin. She just wanted to be with a man who would never give up on her or the relationship. And you just never gave her any indicators that you could be that man.
You pushed her into the arms of another man because you never really did anything to make her feel like she was deserving of your love. You never made her feel like she was worthy of you. You barely gave her anything to work with. You never really gave her any motivation to fuel her love for you. You always made her feel like she wasn’t a priority. You were always so willing to cast her aside in favor of other things. You were always so willing to deprioritize her for your work, your friends, and your own personal interests. You always made her feel like you had more important things that required your energy and attention. Whenever she wanted to spend time with you, you always made her feel like she was just wasting your time. Whenever she expressed a desire to actually bond with you, you made her feel like she was just being corny. Whenever she made an effort to make you feel her love, you brushed her off to the side and made her feel like she didn’t really have much to offer you. You disregarded her. You made her feel worthless. You never really made her feel like she was a woman you could take seriously. You never really paid attention to her feelings, opinions, goals, dreams, expectations, and needs. And that’s why she ended up in the arms of another. You pushed her away with your neglect and your indifference. You drove her away with your cold and distant heart. You gave her no other choice but to leave you because she knew that she would never really be able to get what she was looking for from you.
You forced her into the arms of another man because you just failed to feel the intensity of her heartbeat whenever the two of you were together. You failed to see the sparkle in her eyes whenever she was looking at you. You pushed her away because you chose to ignore her cries and her sobs even though she was laying right beside you at night. You failed to console her in her sadness even when you were the cause of all her sorrow in the first place. You pushed her into the arms of another man because you failed to value her the way that she deserved to be valued. She was a woman who didn’t deserve to be taken for granted. And that’s exactly what you did to her.