You Need To Take A Risk To Find The Love That You Deserve

Taking risks is a part of every successful story!

You only deserve the kind of love that you envisioned for yourself when you were a kid. You deserve the kind of love that you only see in movies; the kind of love that you only read of in fairytale books. While others will tell you that the love that you dream of can only be found in works of fiction, you still owe it to yourself to believe in your dreams. You shouldn’t settle for anything less than the kind of love that makes you feel like magic. You should always be striving for the love that gives you wings; the kind of love that actually makes you feel like you could fly. 

You deserve to have the kind of love where trust never becomes an issue. Sure, you’ve been used and abused in the past. You’ve been hurt before. You’ve been on the receiving end of some pretty bad luck when it comes to love and relationships. But you deserve to have the kind of love that makes you forget about all of that. You deserve to be in love with someone who actually makes you believe in the power of true love; the kind of power that can lift spirits and change the world. You deserve to be with someone who would never betray you; who would do anything he possibly could to make you safe and secure in this harsh world. You should be with someone who makes you feel comfortable about being vulnerable. You should only be with the guy who actually makes you want to open yourself up more even if it leaves you feeling defenseless. You want to be with a guy who would never force you to step at a pace that you’re not comfortable with; he would respect you the best way that he could because he honors your dignity as a person. 

It doesn’t matter that you were once hurt and betrayed by someone in the past. It doesn’t matter that you’re afraid to let yourself be vulnerable again. It doesn’t matter that the whole idea of falling in love again frightens you deeply. It’s necessary for you to feel frightened and feel vulnerable. It’s necessary for you to take that chance. That’s the only way you could ever get the kind of love that you’re looking for. It’s a ˜go big or go home’ kind of situation. It’s all or nothing. You have to give all of yourself or none at all. You have to be willing to push all your chips in if you want to reap the highest reward: true love. You can’t possible attain the kind of love that you’ve been dreaming of all your life without gambling for a bit. Love is all about taking risks with another person. – Continue reading on the next page

You deserve the kind of love that actually manages to awaken the soul; the kind of love that inspires the child within you to dream again. You deserve to be in the kind of love that makes you feel so young and so mature at the same time. You need the kind of love that confuses you and yet makes you feel comfortable about your confusion. You only deserve to be with the kind of person who is going to hang by every word that you say; someone who is actually going to listen to you. You deserve to be with someone who will open himself up to you without any ulterior motives or dishonorable intentions. But the only way for you to find that man and to welcome him into your life is if you let yourself become vulnerable as well. You also need to open yourself up. Yes you risk getting hurt once more like before, but think about the potential reward. The idea of experiencing the love that you’ve wanted all your life should always be able to outweigh the potential risks of heartbreak. 

You deserve to have the kind of love that doesn’t make you feel bad about yourself or who you are as a person. In fact, you need to be in the kind of love affair that actually pushes you to become a better human being. You deserve to have the kind of love that isn’t necessarily easy to deal with; but is completely fulfilling and meaningful. 

So whenever you’re faced with the decision to withdraw yourself from an opportunity to love, make sure you consider the idea of just diving head first. People will tell you that you’re foolish. People will discourage you from making yourself vulnerable once more. But you should let the strength of love keep you afloat. You shouldn’t let your hopes wane. You should still be able to believe in the power of love coming into your life. You should still be able to believe in love’s ability to make all of your risks worth it.

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