You’ve Lost A Really Great Girl And You Can Bet That I’m Not Coming Back

You already had a girl who was ready to give you everything that she had. You had a woman who was so ready to do anything possible to have a happy and fulfilling life with you. You had a woman who was willing to move mountains and cross oceans just to be with you. You had a woman who was ready to put your needs above her own. You had a really great girl but you ended up losing her anyway.

You pushed her away from you every single time that she was feeling down and lonely but you couldn’t even be bothered to ask her about it. You never even really made any efforts to cheer her up. You made her stop believing in you every single time you said you would show up and yet you didn’t. You broke her heart every time you blew her off in favour of your friends and bros.

She was definitely one of a kind but you just chose to discard her like some common piece of trash. She was an absolute gem. She was a diamond in the rough. She was a needle in the haystack. But you never really treated her like she was. You never acted as if you were blessed enough to have a woman like her. You really could have responded to her texts in a more timely fashion. You could have taken the time to actually show her what she meant to you. You could have tried exerting more effort into making her feel valued, validated, and appreciated. You could have bought her flowers. You could have cooked her dinner. You could have just loved her. But you didn’t. You didn’t treasure her the way that you should have and that is why she’s no longer around for you.

She tried her best to stay strong for you. She was always so kind and loving. She was as loyal as one could be. She was so incredibly committed to making things work with you. She was always patient and she never wanted to rush or pressure you. She always waited for you to become the man that she needed you to be. But you just couldn’t be that man for her. You never became that man for her. And that’s why she decided to leave you.

She always wanted what was best for you. She always wanted your grandest dreams to come true. She truly wanted you to turn into the best possible version of yourself. She considered your success to be her own as well. She was always happy whenever you were happy. She felt fulfilled whenever you felt fulfilled. She always wanted to share the grandest moments of your life with you. But you shoved her away. You pushed her aside. You shut her out. You never made her feel like she was welcome. You never made her feel like it was okay for her to be with you at all.

She was always by your side whenever you needed her. She was always so quick to come running towards you whenever you called for her. She always wanted to see you feeling happy and fulfilled. She always wanted you to feel content in life. She genuinely wanted to be there for you to assist you towards your goals and dreams. Even when you were going through the darkest parts of your life, she always made it a point to make sure that you felt like you could always rely on her. And she would still be at your side right now if you had just given an ounce of effort for her. If only you had shown her that she was a girl who was worthy of your love, time, and attention, then she would still be here. But you couldn’t show up for her. You couldn’t really be there for her in the same way that she was with you.

She was a great woman and she really did love you with all of her heart. However, you couldn’t bring yourself to do the same for her. You never gave her the maximum effort that she deserved. You could never love her wholeheartedly. You never loved her unconditionally. And that’s all that she needed from you for her to stay.

If only you had been willing to give things a try with her. If only you were brave enough to actually fight for her to stay in your life. If only you didn’t form such a hostile and toxic relationship environment for her. She knew that she couldn’t live in that relationship for too long. She knew that she wouldn’t be able to last. And that’s why she had to cut those ties. That’s why she had to walk away.

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