9 Scary Signs It’s Time To Say Goodbye To The Relationship

It's Time To Say Goodbye To The Relationship

6. When the relationship becomes lop-sided

It takes two to make a relationship sustainable, but if only one of you seems to be making all the efforts while the other person is just not bothered, doesn’t think it’s essential to work on the relationship or has dismissive behavior then you can never carry it forward. The person doing all the hard work will slowly get tired of giving it their all and receiving no input in return, their under-appreciated commitment won’t last long, and they’ll eventually give up.

7. When your relationship starts feeling like a burden

We get into relationships thinking and wanting to be happier; a good relationship should help you grow in every aspect of your life. When a relationship takes up more energy than it gives, the bad outweighs the good, and you feel like it is more of a burden than a blessing to be with your partner, you stop having fun together. Happiness seems to be fading away. Nothing seems to be working for you guys; then there is no point in being in a difficult relationship.

8. Constant complaining

You are out with your friends or just hanging out with your family, and В all you do is vent out and complain about your partner and how bad things are in your relationship, it is reasonable to vent out a little, but if it’s all you can talk about, then you need to reflect on your relationship. Nobody wants you to spread negativity around, but you can’t seem to help it; you are so stressed because of your relationship that it is the only thing on your mind, and you can’t wait to explore.

9. When you fantasize. A LOT.

I’m not talking about absent-mindedly fading into a random scenario when you’re bored and inattentive; I am talking about wishful thinking. When you start to imagine being single or want to do things without your partner, like travel, party or just want to be by yourself, you find someone cute, want to be with them instead of your partner, and it’s not just a harmless crush, you actually want to be with this other person,

or you have mentally broken up with your partner many times, then subconsciously you’ve already withdrawn from the relationship, but too afraid to accept it consciously. It is normal if you fantasize about someone occasionally, but when it becomes a way of filling the void, that lack of feelings you and your partner have has created, then it’s time to stop being untrue to yourself and your partner and just say the word.

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