Divorce is one of the most traumatizing yet common parts of marriage – bringing them to an end. When two people have tried everything to work things out together and are still unable to, their only option is to separate and try living better lives.
Today’s Reddit post comes from AskReddit, where Reddit user snoopfrog5 asks the divorce lawyers around Reddit’s community to share their most memorable and notable cases – something that they can’t forget even though they do this every day.
Here are ten of the top answers:
1. seimungbing has a non-toxic and endearing story to share:
“worked as courtroom clerk/front desk when i was in college, a couple argued on the custody details on their son, i thought it was the normal “i wont let you see him you piece of sh*t”, but the mom wants the dad to spend more time during holidays together – all 3 of them, and the dad wants to do the same, just more frequently. they ended up reconciled and agreed to couples therapy before the divorce procedure went further. then they came back a month later to withdraw the divorce proceeding.”
2. MissSara13 shared a heartbreaking story:
“I worked for a law firm while in college and we had a client who had just come home from a two week vacation with his wife only to be served with divorce papers and a temporary restraining order as soon as they pulled in the driveway. Wife didn’t say a word and just went into their house. Poor guy came straight to our office and was massively confused, to say the least.”
3. LazyMFTX shares a very different case:
“20+ year divorce lawyer here. I’ve seen it all.”
“I once represented a husband divorcing his wife of 35+ years. They were in their late 60s. At mediation they divided up about a half million in assets within 30 minutes. Then they spent 2.5 hours fighting over 2 hurricane glasses from Pat O’Brien’s and a pitchfork.”
“Mediator: “She really wants that pitchfork. It was a gift from her daddy.” Husband: “That…B**CH! We bought it at Home Depot two years ago!” …and etc.”
“They settled at mediation after spending over $1,000 in attorney fees combined for the glasses and pitchfork.”
“They remarried 3 months later.”
4. miistahmojo has a gaming story:
“Not a lawyer, but as a courthouse clerk, I had a court order come across my desk that explicitly banned a father from playing Minecraft with his son over the internet because the ex-wife alleged that the in game chat was a form of improper contact that wasn’t outlined in their custody/visitation plan.”
5. Namtara shared:
“Here’s a not-divorced one, but it’s pretty good.”
“Husband and wife are from a culture where you simply do not divorce. They have a few kids. He moves on and dates a woman for nearly 20 years, and they also have a kid together. He does a will and tells no one how it is set up other than there is a trust.”
“The guy dies. He made a trust for his entire estate. He designated that his kids would each be beneficiaries with equal percent interest, but also gave his girlfriend 1% more than his wife. She was also named as executor of the estate and trustee for the trust.”
“Popcorn was had.”
6. odgunz has another gaming story:
“I saw a mother and father live together and fight over the location of the Xbox and Wii. The games were in the family living room. The father took the games from the living room and put them in his bedroom. The children then spent all the time in the father’s bedroom. The mother literally went to court to obtain an order that the xbox and WII be returned to the living room. They spent thousands on this.”
7. phil8248 has a cereal story:
“My father-in-law was an attorney. He represented a husband in a divorce and the discussion about division of assets was so petty it included fighting over partially used boxes of grocery items. When the couple refused to compromise over a half eaten box of cereal the judge lost it and said he was going to make a summary judgement and exclude the couple because they were wasting the court’s time.”
8. curiouspursuit shares:
“Husband inherits about 2 years salary from a relative and puts the money in an investment account. Husband and wife live off of their incomes for the next decade, but any major purchase is bought with a check drawn off the inheritance account (nice furniture, a car, electronics, etc.). When they divorced he got EVERYTHING because his inheritance had never comingled with the marital assets. So all the major purchases were his free & clear, and they divided the “junk”. Diabolical.”
9. Big_Pink has a story about cheating:
“Family law paralegal here. Our client’s husband filed for divorce from her because he caught her cheating on him. With his sister. You can’t make this sh** up.”
10. MieuFX shares a divorce story that was based on mashed potatoes:
“My friend’s mom is a divorce lawyer. The couple was divorcing because one liked creamy and the other liked chunky mashed potatoes.”
This post has over 6.9k comments, you can read them all on Reddit here.
Do you have a divorce story to share? Let us know in the comments below!
Source: Reddit