10 Reasons To Stop Trying So Hard To Make Him Chase After You

Stop trying to make them chase.

Maybe you’re developing a crush on the new guy in the office. Maybe you find that friend of your friend who you met at the bar over the weekend really cute. Maybe that kid in your class who sits a couple of tables away from you is really catching your eye. You can’t help but think to yourself: how do you get this guy to chase after you? Well, you have to rid yourself of that thinking. He doesn’t have to be the one who does the chasing. In fact, no one really has to be doing the chasing in relationships anymore. The dynamics of dating have changed substantially and it’s just infinitely more complicated now.

Dating is so much more than just mere fun and games nowadays. It’s as if society has somehow matured into a dating world that is less black and white. There are just so many grey areas in relationships and it’s difficult to tell the difference between the relationships that are serious and the ones that are merely casual. And these new traits only make things so much more complicated and complex, it can often lead us to feel more overwhelmed.

But at the end of the day, the one constant is time. Even if everything in the world around us is constantly changing, the time that we are given will always be the same. We can’t bargain for anymore and that’s why we always need to make the most out of whatever time we are given. We can’t afford to be wasting our time trying to get men to chase us not especially the wrong men. Here are 10 reasons as to why you should stop trying so hard to make him chase after you.

1. You need to focus on everything that you have to get done in your life.

There are so many things that you have to do in your life. There are so many places that you want to go. There are many people that you have to meet. There are many goals that you have to accomplish.

2. You don’t want to come off as a person who’s completely desperate.

If you try too hard to get a man to chase after you, you will come off as really desperate and downright passive-aggressive. Don’t be coy about it. If you like someone, come right out and say it. But don’t be superimposing or don’t be trying too hard.

3. If he were truly meant for you, he would already be chasing after you.

You can also be confident in the fact that if you were truly meant to be together, he would already be chasing after you; or he will be chasing after you eventually. It’s all a matter of being patient. You don’t have to force anything.

4. His reluctance to go after you might mean he has issues of his own to deal with.

You don’t want to be inheriting another person’s baggage and issues especially when you have a set of your own that you have to be dealing with. Maybe he has issues of his own hat he has to deal with and he has no time or energy to chase after any girl at the moment.

5. He might already be committed to dating someone else.

Don’t ever force a man who is already dating someone else to be chasing after you. That’s just really shady and karma isn’t going to be too kind on you.

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