Relationships are beautiful; they’re even more impressive when your partner is your best friend because everything becomes that much more exciting and unusual. If you’re one of the lucky people who’ve had the pleasure of eating their best friends, you’re going to love this article.
Here are ten things that happen when your best friend is in a relationship.
10. You make each other laugh, more than usual
People become best friends because they have the same sense of humor. When your best friend is your partner, you can be sure that they’re going to make you laugh even at your saddest of times because they know exactly what to do to make you smile and to make you laugh, they know what to do to bring you out of your sad state and to make you happy again.
Your best friend will never laugh at you; they’ll laugh with you; the same case happens when they’re in a relationship with you, it enhances tenfold.
9. There is no “learning period.”
Your best friends know everything about your personality, they know what hurts you, they know what areas need to be worked on, they are well aware of your strengths, and they also know how to help you develop your skills even further. When you get into a relationship with your best friend, not much needs to be said, you both already know everything about each other, there is no “learning period” that happens in every relationship. This makes things that much more straightforward and easy.
8. Better social lives
You already hang out with your best friend every day, they’re already a part of your social circle, dating them doesn’t bring any significant change to your social life. Sure, the two of you are going to have “alone time” with each other from now on, but apart from that, things are going to stay the same. The friends are going to hang out in the same manner; the road trips are going to be the same, everything is just going to be much more exciting. Just be ready for the infinite teasing that ensues.
7. You’re insanely open with each other
When someone is your best friend, they know almost everything there is to know about you, from your darkest secrets to the most embarrassing of moments.
When you get into a relationship with your best friend, that level of comfort remains the same. That level of support is tough to manage or develop in even the strongest of relationships. To be so open with each other is nearly impossible, but since you two started without the intention of being in love, you didn’t have any protective shell around you.
6. You root for one another, more than usual
It’s what best friends do, they root for each other, every step of the way. It doesn’t matter if you win or lose; your best friend will always tell you to keep moving forward and never to give up. The same thing happens when your best friend is your partner. They will make sure you achieve every goal of yours with everything in their power, even if you fail at first, they’ll see you get through things.
5. You naturally see right through each other
Your best friend has been with you for so long that they know when something ticks you off or makes you sad. Even if you try your best to hide your emotions, your best friend will tell you something’s wrong.
This same emotional capacity is found in your relationship, and that’s a beautiful thing. This level of understanding is exclusively developed in friendships and cannot be made solely from a relationship.
4. You openly share your “inner weirdo”
When you’re in a relationship with someone, it takes a while before you can be THIS comfortable with someone, so pleased that you can be “weird” around them. But when it’s your best friend, that wall is already gone, that shell is already broken, all you have to do is just be yourself and enjoy each other’s company without the fear of being judged.
3. You are very truthful with one another
Ever tried lying to your best friend? Moments later, you tell them what you lied about. This is something friendship does to us, when the bond is so pure and kind, the elements of “hiding” and “lying” become very weak and can’t last. When you’re in a relationship with your best friend, the aspect of “truth” becomes more powerful than ever, because you already know that they’ll see right through you and you won’t be able to do it.
2. You actually “listen” to each other
The title of “best friend” isn’t just handed to someone; people become best friends after a lot of struggle and a lot of tests. Your best friends are always there to listen to you, no matter how much you want to talk about, they will never get bored of listening to you.
The same thing happens when you’re in a relationship with your best friend, you two will give each other all the time in the world; you two will “listen” to one another, you two will always let each other know that neither of you is alone. That’s the beauty of friendship.
1. You forgive each other quicker than ever
We all fight our best friends. How long does it take to fix those fights? It feels so wrong to not be okay with the person who we are so attached to. In my case, it usually takes a few hours before one of us is apologizing to the other regardless of whose fault it was.
The same thing happens when your best friend is your partner; forgiveness becomes so much easier. You can’t stay mad at them longer than usual, because the foundation of that relationship was “friendship” and real friendship is one of the strongest of foundations.
Question of the day
Are you one of the lucky ones to be in a relationship with your best friend? How good has it been? Share your answers in the comments below. And as always, stay blessed and keep the love alive!