10 Realistic Things You Should Never Expect From Others

things you should never expect from others

If you expect too much, you’ll get hurt.

The word “expectation” is probably one of the most powerful words in the world. We all have our fair share of expectations from others that we like to live on and be content with. Keeping expectations from others is not a bad thing, as long as your expectations are met. But in a realistic world, most of the time, our expectations are left unfilled and are forgotten. This article is for you guys to be stronger and happier with your selves and to expect less from everyone else.

As always, I’m going to be using my own life’s examples to give you guys a better outlook on expectations.

Here are 10 things you should never expect from others.

10. Don’t Expect Them To Agree With You

This may sound harsh, but it’s the truth, most people are not going to agree with you in life. By expecting people to agree with you, you’re putting yourself in a weak position. Everyone has their point of view on things, and it’s tough to find someone with matching states of mind (you’re fortunate if you do). You, as an individual, are a fantastic person. You have every right to be happy and to be heard. You deserve to live your life in your way. You can only achieve these things if you let others do it their way too.

You need to approve of your own decisions, and you shouldn’t expect others to agree with them. That’s one of the ways of getting ahead in life, and the reason why I am where I am today. When I was leaving med-school, people told me that I’m not doing the right thing.

That I shouldn’t pursue my dreams as a web developer, and I should follow what everyone else follows. But I didn’t expect them to agree with me, so I happily did whatever I had to do. And when I look back at all of it today, I could not be more glad of my decision. So make your own decisions, don’t expect approvals.

9. Don’t Expect Them To Like You

You are an individual; you are a fantastic human being; you have your own identity, learn to love it, and don’t ask to be loved for who you are. The most influential people are those who love themselves in their perfect way. If you expect people to like you for who you are, you’ll only be putting yourself in a traumatic situation for later. Don’t get me wrong, you’ll eventually find people in life who will love you for who you are in every sense of the word, but those people are one in a million.

I have a certain someone in my life who loves my individuality, and I do hers, so keep your hopes up. I got to this position by not expecting anyone to love me or like me for who I was patience and perseverance in your best bet. Just enjoy yourself thoroughly, so much so that you don’t even feel like you’re alone anymore.

8. Don’t Expect Them To Be How You Want Them To

As I mentioned earlier, you have your beautiful individuality – well, so does everybody else. You can’t expect anyone to be the way you want them to be or see them being, they’ll be whoever they want to and at their own pace. Your only part is someone else’s life is to be as supportive as you can be of their pros and cons. Love them for who they are.

7. Don’t Expect Them To Read Your Mind

This one is mainly for the ladies out there. I’m a guy, and it gets a little frustrating sometimes when a girl says “it’s okay” and “nothing’s wrong” when she’s thinking the exact opposite in mind. The same case goes for guys too, but in my line of work, this seems to be more familiar with girls.

You can’t expect anyone to know what you’re thinking or what’s going through your mind. Yes, they might be able to tell if you’re upset, but no one can pinpoint the reason out unless you let them know. Don’t over complicate things, help them help you.

6. Don’t Expect Them To Respect You

After I left med-school, I got a lot of slack from my friends and family. I usually got to hear things like “he’s a loser” and “he’s going to be a failure in life.” The same people are trying to get five minutes of my time today. This happened because I never expected anyone to expect my decisions, but they expected me to do it in return. The only person who should respect you is you. Everyone else follows.

5. Don’t Expect Them To Change

The idea of individuality keeps coming up in this article because it’s a beautiful thought. People don’t change, people have their traits, their strengths, and weaknesses, and that’s what makes them amazing people. You can’t expect anyone to change just because you want them to. If anyone makes a mistake and they apologize for it, that is the only one scenario in which you can expect them to change, but keep in mind that it’s not easy for anyone to leave their roots, so don’t give them a hard time while they try.

4. Don’t Expect Them To Be “Okay.”

You guys have read my life’s story; you know how hard it’s been for me. I also know how hard it’s been for every one of you, and I respect you guys for that. No one is leading a comfortable life, we all go through our fair share of ups and downs, and that’s what makes us stronger in the end. So never expect anyone to be “OK” because you’re going through a happy phase in life. Respect their downs and support them out of their problems. Only then will you find yourself surrounded by immense support when you face your traumas.

3. Don’t Expect Them To Be Strong

No matter how strong we may be or appear to be, we all have our weaknesses. We all have those triggers that suddenly take all of our strength away and bring tears to our eyes. Nobody likes being sick. You can’t tell people to “be strong” because they just can’t, and you are saying that won’t help them in any way. You need to respect the fact that people have weaknesses, and it’s your job to be their strength when they can’t be strong on their own.

2. Don’t Expect Them To Forget The Past

Moving on from a horrible past is one of the hardest things to do, no matter how strong you are. I still remember the traumas that happened with me four years ago, no matter how badly I try to forget them. But I don’t cry over them anymore because I had a lot of support from people who helped me be stronger than I used to be. So don’t expect anyone to “get over it” and “move on” because no – it’s not that simple.

1. Don’t Expect Them To Fall For You

Last but not least, you can’t expect anyone to fall in love with you just because you are in love with them. Love is pure and healthy only when it’s unconditional and natural; it should not have any external forces forcing it upon anyone. You may love someone more than you want yourself to and they may not love you back, it’s not their fault. You’re just expecting too much from someone, and you’re putting yourself in a lot of traumatic situations because of it.

Don’t ever think that you won’t be loved by anyone in your life; wait for the right person. You don’t want a one-sided relationship, do you? Be patient, have faith, and you will find the one who’s meant for you.

Final Thoughts

As I end this article, I want you guys to learn from it. The lesser expectations you have from the world, the happier you’ll be in life. Take it from me; I’m a living breathing example of how keeping little to no expectations is one of the best things you can do to yourself.

Be the amazing person you are and love yourself. Stay blessed, everyone. My article on “Long Distance Relationships” is going to be out by tomorrow, hope you guys enjoy it. Until next time.

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