12 Signs He Really Likes You (And It’s Not Just Because He Wants To Sleep With You)

9. He isn’t shy about giving you compliments.

Any chance he can get to actually make you feel better about yourself, he’s going to take it. Get ready to be showered with compliments left and right. He is always looking to boost your confidence by bombarding you with affectionate words.

10. Commitment doesn’t faze him one bit.

He is always ready to commit to you. He isn’t going to back down from the challenge. He knows that relationships aren’t always going to be easy and exciting. He knows that it’s going to get difficult and awkward at times, but he’s still willing to commit to you.

11. He trusts and respects you enough to always tell you the truth.

He doesn’t lie to you. Simple as that. If a man really liked you, then he wouldn’t be subjecting you to lies or false promises. He would never ever withhold the truth from you.

12. He always makes time for you.

Time is the most important gift we could ever give to another person. If he is always giving you his time, then he is really serious about his feelings for you.

Talk to me

Do you agree with this? Let me know in the comments below!

  1. Yep! I’m also a guy who respects all ladies. Love knows no color, race, or anything in between. ?

  2. Among 12signs He doesn’t make much time to talk and text with me.He used to be busy in games rather than talking with me .And it makes me feel like He started feeling bore and he is really fed up with me?And whenever I shout at him because of late replies he used to get more furious?What Should I do to get attention from him?And what should I do to make him realize that I am hurt because of him ..

    1. I have been seeing a man going on the 3rd year. I was extremely sick for months. And had a knee replacement. He left the hospital while I was in surgery. My daughter came and he was gone. Then when I was at.my parents recovering. I didn’t see him but once in a month. To find out he had multiple women he had been with thru out the yr. Of coarse he apologized. Do I give him another chance or move on. ?

  3. There are men like that out there! I do not feel that is is just the man though. A man and a woman are a reflection of one another. So in a lot of cases the woman is not giving the man what he needs and it can be small and simple. Therefore why should the man always be giving if the woman is not willing to commit and give? It goes both ways and it is a all in all or nothing. There is no such thing as 50/50 in a relationship.

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