18 Signs your Partner Has Lost Interest in the Relationship

Have they lost interest in you?

Most of the times, what couples overlook in their relationship that is not going so well is the fact that they need to draw a line between determination and desperation. You cannot make them care unless they want to by heart. If you find yourself wondering of ways to make them care so the relationship could work, you’ve already come to the stage where your partner doesn’t care about any of it. If they did, you wouldn’t feel the need to wonder that in the first place.

You need to accept the fact that not everything is under your control especially the way people feel and where they choose to put their care and time. It’s the harsh truth, yes, but then no one told you that life would be easy. If they did, they were lying.

Devising ways of new things you both should do together to bring back life to your relationship; we both look so good together; it could work between us if he did that, if she said this and the list goes on. You need to stop doing it because it’s harmful for you as an individual.

There is absolutely no use losing yourself in the process of loving another; you may never regain yourself. It’s the same to them when you tell them how happy they make you and when you tell them they don’t.

Below are 18 signs yours is a situation, not a relationship, and that it’s going nowhere.

1. They are too busy to give you time

Time, when once given, cannot be taken back. Partners always give each other time in a relationship, a way of showing their care and love for each other. If your partner tells you they are too busy and will not be able to spare a couple of hours to come home and have lunch with you they’ve already lost the care card.

You get all excited to talk to them after spending all day at work. You approach them. They’re always the first one to leave, making up otherwise lame excuses to get away from you like being called by a friend to help them out with their car, even though you know they don’t have such close friends.

Now combine these two concepts together: wanting to get away from you and caring. Do they bode well together for a relationship? They go days without talking to you, despite telling you they’d be there for you

not how it goes in a relationship where your partner truly cares.

2. They are indecisive

So they keep playing the cat and mouse game just when you give up, they are all into the relationship; when you call it quits, they start thinking of getting back together. Stop letting them take such grave advantage of you and let them know relationships are not determined by such cliche aspects like coming and going when one wants to.

You get to have a say in it too. If they cannot accept this fact, then it is you who needs to leave for sure because clearly, whether you leave or stay is of no such concern to them.

There might be occasions you’ll doubt your partner or your relationship’s worth. When your partner doesn’t care about it enough, they won’t do anything to assure you everything’s good if they’re indecisive themselves. Don’t waste yourself for such a relationship.

3. They make themselves the focus of attention

While you make sure your partner’s needs and desires etc. are met with accordingly, it leaves little or no room for you and all that you do for them in their ‘me-world’. This is a major sign that they do not care about you nor the relationship to make it a part of their happiness.

Even if you did not do something grand for them, they would still take your hand and have you walk with them on every path of life. If they stop caring, they won’t even bother, as simple as that.

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