This one is for those of you who are going through a really rough time in your relationships, for those of you who still know how to truly love someone and just don’t want to let go. A friend of mine recently told me that his girlfriend is in a very difficult spot in life. Her family doesn’t like him and she just doesn’t know how to fix it or what to do about it, she doesn’t even know what decision to take because she loses in every condition. He told me they’re talking about having a peaceful and mutual breakup but it always leads to both of them being super sad about it because they both love each other very much.
They’ve tried every possible thing but nothing works, her family just isn’t budging from their spot. I told him to stay strong and to not give up. You know why? Because life always finds a way. I have a lot of faith in this that "if something is meant to happen, it will happen no matter what". I told him that if the two of them are meant to be together, they will end up together regardless of what happens, and if they’re not meant to be together then they’d either not end up together or they will break apart pretty soon. So I told him to not think negatively and to keep his head up. So this is going to be a list of six reasons, reasons why you need to hold on tight to that relationship if you’re going through a rough patch or a tough situation. Let’s begin.
6. The level of emotions you two share
Think about it, is it really worth it to try to let go and move on when you know about the enormous emotional bond you share with your partner? It takes a lot of time and effort to develop those sort of emotions for someone, to develop a very strong emotional bond with someone, and you get weak when you try to break it because it has a huge part of you inside of it. Surely you can face a few problems with each other for the sake of that bond, it surely holds that much importance in your lives. Keep holding on to it, don’t give up. It takes a lot of time to develop this bond and mere seconds to break it.
5. The Memories
You two have definitely shared an insane amount of memories with each other. Think about them, do they make you smile? Do they make you feel all comfortable and loved inside? Do they make you feel like you belonged with them, like you actually were made for each other? If yes, then you need to make sure you make plenty more of such memories by staying with them and holding on strong against whatever comes your way. Sure, life is hard, life is difficult, but nothing good in life ever comes easy, you have to fight for what you love or you’re a quitter who gave up on love. Don’t be a quitter, make more memories, together.
4. The level of comfort
The two of you have developed a very special and unique level of comfort throughout your relationship. You are truly comfortable with one another. You can be open and even weird with each other without having a second thought about it. You can be "comfortably silent" with one another. You are "just okay" with one another and don’t have many problems because you know each other inside out. Trust me, I’ve been in four relationships, and it is NOT easy to finally obtain a comfortable zone with your partner. There are a lot of things we don’t want to share with the people we love, there is a side that we just don’t want to show our partners. But we eventually do and that’s when we get completely comfortable with them. Don’t give up, you may never get this level of comfortВ with anyone again.
3. The support system
How can you forget about that one time when you really needed someone and they were there for you? When you were going through one of the darkest times of your life and your partner was there for you till the end? When you felt like it was all going to end and your partner was there to motivate you and give you hope, when they were there to lift your spirits. When they made you smile even when you wanted to cry. See, when two people love each other, they become each other’s support system. They are there for one another during both the ups and downs. They are always there to make each other grow and move forward in life. Can you be okay without your support system? Hold on to each other!
2. The Chemistry
One of the most vital things to think about when time gets tough is the chemistry you share with your partner. Trust me, I have seen a lot of bad couples. Couples who have zero chemistry. Couple who are just together with each other because they were bored or wanted to show off to someone. And I’ve also seen couples with incredible chemistry, couples who are the talk of the town because of the way they are with each other, because of how good their chemistry is. It takes a lot of tries to finally find someone you actually have chemistry with, don’t let go of them!
1. Their Importance
Last but definitely not least, how important are you to each other? How important is your partner to you? Do they hold such a position in your life that their presence or absence can easily have an effect on it? Are they so important that you’ll feel a lot of emptiness after they’re gone? If you’re thinking about giving up hope, take a second to think of life without them. Does it feel meaningless and directionless? If yes, then you have given a very important position to your partner in your life, they hold a very strong place in your heart and their absence is going to hurt, A LOT! So hold on to them!
Are you holding on or are you a quitter?
Have you faced such an impossible condition in your life? Are you currently facing it? Did you give up or are you still holding on? Let me know in the comments below. And as always, stay blessed and keep the love alive! And DON’T LET GO!