6 OBVIOUS Things Not To Say On A First Date

Dating is slowly becoming an anxiety-riddled day for most people. I’ve been there. The racing heart used to bother me so much. The key here is to be prepared. A first date is usually scary because it has a lot riding on it, so it’s an important day. Important days are always a little scary, they should be. We can’t be reckless about dating. There definitely are some things not to say on a first date.

My first date, regardless of the anxiety, etc., went very well. Because I kept a few things away from the table. I didn’t bring up difficult conversations, that’s the worst thing someone can do during a first date. Words can not be taken back, and your first impression will always be remembered.

Headed to your first date? Check out the six things NOT to say on a first date.

6. Past Relationships

The past is the past, don’t be one of those stuck up people who bring up their past relationships on the first date. It will make you seem like you’re still not over your ex, and you’re only dating this person to make yourself feel better or to see if they can fill the gap that your ex left you with. Don’t bring up any topics about your ex, Good or bad; it won’t end well.

5. Children

Slow down there! It’s the first date. We all love kids, but talking about how many kids you would like to have Might make you seem insanely rushed and pushy. These things are spoken of later when you’ve spent a handsome amount of time with your partner, but it’s not a topic of the first date; unless you want to scare the person away.

4. Religion

Religion is a sensitive topic, something that is a huge no-no on the first date. We all have different beliefs, and we all like living by them, by talking about it on the first date might make you seem like you’re trying to impose your way of living on them, so don’t. Religion, like many other touchy topics, can be discussed when you know the person better, but for that, you need to have a second date and not scare the person away.

3. Marriage

Marriage is one of the most significant commitments, and it is one of the hardest decisions to make, it involves two people agreeing to happily live together and belong to each other for the rest of their lives, it is highly advised NOT to discuss marriage on the first date. You will only make your partner uncomfortable by talking about it; marriage talks happen when you two know each other inside out.

2. Money

It’s perfectly okay to talk about how you earn your living or what your hopes and dreams are in life; it’s a different thing to bring up your finances in front of your date the first time you see them. You are with the person to be loved; you want them to love you and not your wallet, so keep the money talks far away from the table.

1. I Love You

It’s the first date; you need to take your time and get to know the person better before you say the three magic words. If you have already proposed and it’s the first official date, say it as much as you want. But if you both are trying to get to know each other and you say it, it might make you seem too desperate to get them, and it might decrease the respect they have for you. Take your time, have a couple more dates, you’ll know when the time is right to say it.

Talk to me

How was your first date? Do you have anything to add to my list of things not to say on a first date? Let me know in the comments, below!

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