8 Reasons You’re Still Single Even If You Are The Ideal Woman

5. You merely attract the wrong kind of men.

Because of the fact that you are a strong and independent woman, there is a good chance that you are going to intimidate and scare off a lot of men. And sometimes, the men that you do happen to attract are the dumb men who are too stupid to realize the kind of value that you really bring to the table.

6. You are too busy with other aspects of your life.

You are just far too busy with other aspects of your life that you don’t really make time for dating or relationships. And that’s bad. You are never going to find success in love unless you are able to actually give time for it.

7. You don’t show a willingness to compromise.

You must always show a willingness to compromise with another person. Yes, you are strong and steadfast. But the ability to compromise is integral in meeting another person halfway. There is no way a relationship will last if you are incapable of compromise.

8. You have really unreasonable expectations.

You are so used to just set very high standards and expectations for yourself in life that you end up doing the same in your relationships. But you can’t afford to let that be the case all of the time. Not all people are going to be like you. And you have to learn to be more flexible with your expectations in a relationship if you really want to accommodate another person into your life.

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