9 Things That Your Man Most Wants To Hear You Say To Him

It’s no secret that all strong and happy couples are always going to have a healthy communication game going on. No relationships are ever going to thrive and survive when they have poor lines of communication. It’s absolutely imperative that couples are always communicating with one another often and effectively. Without communication, couples are essentially putting ceilings on their on relationships.

Remember that communication is one of the most effective tools that couples can use to sustain and build on their intimacy with one another. And the strongest couples are the ones who understand that they must continually be building on their intimacy if they want their relationship to survive and flourish. Remember that it’s not enough that you “talk” to one another. Talking isn’t necessarily communicating. Yes, you can be making a conversation about the most random things.

But that doesn’t necessarily mean that you are connecting with one another; that doesn’t mean that you’re building on your intimacy. It’s not enough that you talk to one another; it’s also about how you both talk to each other. And sometimes, as unfortunate as it might sound, a lot of us aren’t going to be so skilled in the talking department. Not all of us are going to be master conversationalists, and our relationships are at risk of suffering because of our weaknesses in this area.

But you don’t have to worry just yet if you feel like you’re not a skilled communicator. There’s no need to be pushing the panic button right away. There are workarounds to your situation. You just need to be willing enough to learn. You just have to be open enough to try new things. And this article is going to be a good place for you to start. If you’re wondering about what exactly you can say to your man to get him closer and closer to you, then you can just go ahead and pluck out a few ideas from this list.

Not to put words in your mouth, but you can always use these ideas here and you can make them your own. You just have to make sure that you are able to believe what you tell him. You have to make sure that you are sincere with what you say to him because he’s going to be able to tell if otherwise.

1. I need your help with something.

It’s always nice whenever you make him feel needed. It’s going to give him a sense of validation regarding his place in your life. It’s going to give him a sense of purpose. As a general rule of thumb, men typically like to feel needed.

2. I really appreciate what you’ve done for me.

Always show gratitude and appreciation for something that he does or says to you. You don’t want him to ever feel like you’re taking him for granted.

3. I’m really happy that I’m here with you now.

Every so often, remind him of how much you value whatever quality time the both of you get to spend together. Let him know just how much you value the moments that you both share as a couple.

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