9 Major things to let go of before the new year (2020) welcomes you

things to let go of before the new year

A new year is approaching, filled with exciting new events, new friends to be made, new dreams to be achieved, and, of course, new love to be felt. I always try to look back at the end of each year and concentrate on my mistakes and the bad days; I like to remind myself of those times so I can make sure that I don’t make those same mistakes next year again.

It’s essential to look back at your year, at the highs and lows, at the ups and downs, the love gained, and, more importantly, the love lost; it’s all a part of life, and we only grow stronger each year. I always try making each year better than the last, more enhanced, and more powerful with all of my efforts. I want you guys to join me in welcoming the new year.

Here are nine things to let go of before the new year

9. Let go of your grudges

Grudges are filled with negativity and negative thoughts, do you need all of that as your new year begins? No, you don’t. Let go of all the grudges. Talk it out. Let go of the mistakes people made with you. If you were in a bad relationship with someone, if someone cheated on you, just let it go, tell them it’s okay, tell them they’re forgiven, not only are you going to feel extremely light but they’re going to be shocked and confused for an extended period.

It’s not easy to forgive, it’s one of the noblest and challenging things in the world to forgive someone with all of your heart, and it’s also one of the most freeing feelings in the world. Don’t ruin your new year because of someone else’s mistakes, start your new year with the most positive of attitudes and let go of all the grudges.

8. Let go of your anger

We often say a lot of things we don’t mean; we usually do a lot of things we later regret, it’s all caused because we sometimes get a little lost in our tempers. This new year, try working on your anger as much as you can. I am the sort of a person who has a horrible temper; I don’t mind admitting it.

I have a few triggers, and when I start, it’s pretty tricky for me to stop without causing too much damage, and I greatly regret it later. I’m working a lot on myself to get rid of it, I’ve learned to calm myself down. I’ve learned that temper and anger can’t solve any problems. Rage also causes a lot of scars that stay with people forever, no matter how much you try changing yourself, so avoid these mistakes in your new year and be a more calm person.

7. Let go of self-deprecation

Get rid of the self-deprecation, completely. Stop thinking that someone else has a better life than you; you don’t know what they’re through. Love your life and love the person you currently are. Stop hating yourself and don’t carry that train of thought to the new year.

You, as an individual, are a fantastic person. Stop comparing your life with someone else’s, because the grass always seems greener on the other side. Stop trying to change yourself just because someone thinks you’re not “good enough” because you’re never going to be good enough for the people who aren’t good enough for themselves.

6. Let go of acting egotistical

This one is also another personal note; I used to be a very selfish person. “Ego” is one of the most harmful things to have because it drives people away from you, and it surrounds you with the most negative of vibes. You start attracting like-minded individuals, people who are equally or more egotistical, and who will eventually leave you at some point.

Be a simple and down-to-earth person, no matter how big you’ve made it in life. Be humble, be kind to those who have less than you, be generous, “ego” shouldn’t be in your dictionary when you step into the new year.

5. Let go of materialism

If you don’t need it, but you can own it, you still don’t need it. Start the new year with a more practical approach; my girlfriend taught me this one. I have a pretty decent car. Still, I wanted to buy a new car, she had a considerable talk with me on how cars aren’t necessary, then she told me to think about those who can barely afford food daily, I used to be a very materialistic person, I used to think people were attracted to you if you had the best phones and the best cars, I was foolish, I didn’t know that materialism only attracts the wrong kind of people.

Don’t make the mistakes I made, if you have too much money on your hands, give some to the poor, not only will you feel better about yourself but you’ll also make someone happy, and that’s one feeling that just can’t be matched with material possessions.

4. Let go of the wrong people (and relationships)

I talk a lot about how you don’t need bad people around you because they’ll drain the happiness out of you. Start your new year with uplifting people, the people who genuinely love you and care about you, let go of those who continuously try changing you or bring you down or try to tell you that you can never amount to anything because those people will never be happy in their lives. They’ll never be okay with you being happy in yours.

If you’ve been in an unhappy or traumatizing relationship, don’t let it continue, it’s going to hurt, but at least you’ll be happier in the future with someone who won’t make you hate yourself for the decisions you make and for the person you are.

3. Let go of the hurt

You’ve been hurt in the past, we all have, we all learn from the pain and move forward with the pain because it’s hard to forget. Try starting your new year without that pain, without the hurt, without the demons of your past, start your new year fresh and bright. You won’t be helping anyone if you keep lingering on to the past, it doesn’t make you stronger, it slowly takes away any happiness you have in you. If you guys have read my story, you know I’ve been hurt tremendously, I know people who have been through a lot more than I have. I let go of the pain; I started focusing on the positives. Time heals all wounds, you’re out of those dark times, be happy with the right people you have around you and forget the bad memories, and create happy ones this year.

2. Let go of the need to impress

You don’t need to do anything to yourself to impress people; those who genuinely love you will be influenced simply by the person you are without any added attractions. Start the new year feeling better than ever about yourself; your slogan should read something like, “I’m awesome, and I’m going to have an awesome year surrounded by those who love me.” The only people you need to impress are already very impressed by you, that’s the beauty of love. Believe in yourself, believe in the person you are, because that’s precisely the person who people should and WILL love.

1. Let go of the delays

Time waits for no one, stop putting things off for tomorrow. If you’ve meant to do something, perhaps to go to the gym or ask someone out, do it and prevent the delays. Start your new year with a straight forward attitude, be someone who gets things done, and on time.

What do you guys think?

That’s it for this one. This was my list of things to do and reinforce before the new year, what are you guys doing? Share your thoughts with me in the comments below. And as always, stay blessed and keep the love alive!

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