Famous Cosmetic Surgeon says Amber Heard Has the Most Perfect Face, According to Research

We recently covered an interesting research piece done by Dr. Julian De Silva, a massively famous cosmetic surgeon from London who talked about Robert Pattinson being the most beautiful man in the world. Dr. Julian is well-known in the UK for being an incredible cosmetic surgeon and he put out new research on women’s beauty.

Dr. Julian’s research is based on the Phi Ratio, which was used by the Greeks to calculate a person’s beauty based on multiple factors. According to his research, Amber Heard’s face comes closest to perfection when it comes to the Phi Ratio.

The Perfect Face – Amber Heard

Dr. Julian writes:

“The magic ratio is 1:1.618. Applied to the face, the ratio of the nose to top lip – is less than the distance from lip to chin for example. Using a caliper you can measure a patient’s ratio and apply filters, for example, to emphasise certain points on the face that correlate to beauty.”

“Amber Heard is the one that comes the closest to the principles of physical perfection.”

According to Dr. Julian, the Phi Ratio is very important when it comes to talking about beauty. He states:

The Phi ratio of 1.618 has long been thought to hold the secret for beauty, but now with the computer mapping we can calculate how it applies to real women. After we had created the software and the algorithms for the key marker points on the face I thought it would be a good idea to test the system on some of the most beautiful women in the world and see if we could prove with geometry and science exactly what it is that makes a beautiful face. The results were startling and showed several famous actresses and models have facial features that come close to the ancient Greek principles for physical perfection.

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What are your thoughts on Dr. Julian’s research? Share your thoughts in the comments below.


Dr Julian De Silva’s Official Website

Dr. Julian De Silva on Instagram

  1. Why is this article even being posted? Her actions have been nothing short of foul and disgusting. She should be ashamed of herself.

  2. Her P.R team is going overboard on this. The new team.lol. She’s an aduser. Women do abuse men too. Don’t know why I’m commenting. Ya’ll will not post it. It’s clear she’s an abuser and can’t handle rejection well.

    1. Exactly it’s because she knows she’s pretty so thinks everyone should take whatever she does to them and still love her. Just because of her looks. No. Looks only take you so far. That’s why she’s not getting many films without his help. Which she no longer has. The PR team is like, let’s remind everyone how beautiful she is and they’ll forget. Nope… I remember a bedshitter when I see one.

  3. Amber Heard is an abuser. She is trash. No amount of facial beauty can cover the disgusting stench of the real her

  4. This is a joke right? Nice try PR team 😂 Maybe try and make it less narcissistic next time. It’s like she wrote it herself.

  5. Is this a sick attempt to redeem her? He’s not beautiful at all. She showed the whole world how ugly she really is. Outside looks don’t matter when she’s a toxic, narcissistic, abusive, manipulative person. Take this article down. This is shameful.

  6. Funny how she has a perfect face with all the beatings punches and slaps she took with the rings he wears. her face should have concaved on itself after that. Pretty don’t get you anywhere sweetheart this is why the people love Johnny because he has a kind beautiful soul you my love are vile

  7. She is far from perfect. Her facial features are pretty. But inside she’s ugly. She has a vile and trashy mouth. Her smirk shows just how ‘pretty’ she is!
    Beauty is skin deep but ugly goes to the bone.
    I hope one day she gets on her knees and prays to the good Lord to forgive her for all her nastiness. For the abuse she has shown.
    She wants the world to think she’s such a good person. She’s not fooling anyone but herself. And God knows how ugly her soul is.
    There is nothing pretty, perfect, I Beautiful, about an ugly soul.

  8. Besides this being said of Angelina Jolie before (which I ACTUALLY believe), if this even was true, it’s because she paid for it to be true with the work she’s had done. Of course plastic surgeons would use this ration to inject fillers & such. We already know she has her teeth done, cheek implants, fillers, nose job, her eyes done etc. I know this was the first job her PR team set out to do, & is now trying to fix her reputation to get her work…but too soon. Maybe in a few yrs (5-10) when we’ve forgotten how awful she is.

  9. However, she’s not even the slightest good of a person. Even if it’s true she has the most perfect face, so what? She’s just someone everbody would use, then disregard after. No one would stay with her that long, cauz of her nasty behavior.

  10. It’s just her face! There’s rest of her is like a 2×4…boring nothing to see literally! And she’s the worst kinda liar.

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