The aim of this age has been polluted by the uproar of stereotypes that are actually completely baseless. We are all very well aware of the hundreds of stereotypes about everything, ranging from relationships to marriages and divorces. We, as humans, experience different events in life. Some are good, and some are bad.
What we fail to do is to treat those events as a result of an individual’s actions and decisions. Instead, we generalize those events and the concepts behind them, and hence, stereotypes are born, which are often really stupid and biased. Well, actually, all of them are stupid and biased.
But hey, not every guy will dump you like ‘he’ did, making up theories is not a practical thing to do. Likewise, guys are also opinionated about women. If a guy is dating a girl who was annoying and clingy to the core of her being, he will generalize all the female species as overly attached’ and too loud to be with’.
We choose to talk to men in this article and guide them about how to not get tired’ of bad experiences and how to know whether or not she is the right one for you. We know that every girl is different, and so every relationship, but if you see any of these below listed 15 things in the girl you are dating, we say you keep her and your relationship.
1. If She Knows How to Deal with Your Anger:
Everyone has the tendency to be angry, it’s normal; we all just have different lengths to which our calmness can persist. It can be a bit easy for guys who are chill, but if you are naturally a short-tempered person and cannot help it, your girlfriend’s way of treating you while you are angry may matter a lot to you. If the girl in your life knows how to deal with your anger instead of being uneasy about it, you have got the perfect person, my friend.
It can be one of her greatest qualities to bring you down from I am going to kill you’ state to Hey, no problem’ state. If not completely calming you down, then just understanding your state and keeping quiet can be of help too. But hey, keep your emotions intact.
Talking about the stereotypes regarding men and women and their nature and behavior in relationships, we have got a vast area to cover there too. Men are players’ and only look for sex in a relationship, and as soon as they are bored, they move on to the next one: this is according to the stereotypes in a girl’s mind who got cheated on by a jerk and now considers every man the same.
Try to control your temper, it’s not like she’s someone you can just throw all your anger at because of your inadequacies. Do not test her tolerance level. Sometimes, we lose it, and that’s perfectly fine. We’re human.
2. If She Respects Your Privacy:
We have all known that one guy who suddenly got lost somewhere as soon as he found a girlfriend for himself. We are not implying that girls are devils-with-horns who cuff their boyfriends up to a pole and don’t let them leave the house. It is on both the guy and the girl to decide for their privacy and freedom.
But sometimes, girls get a little too possessive and, unknowingly, they persuade their men to spend all of their time with them. Now, that may be out of excessive love and care for you, but it is not healthy.
Everybody needs some alone time or a good day out with friends, be it a man or a woman. So, if your girl understands that and lets you have some guy time’ with your buddies, you have got a great blessing in disguise of her.
It is now believed that young men and women constantly trying to look for a suitable or, more like, perfect companion, are damaging the concept of love as it used to be. While all we all are trying to do is to look for someone who complements our personality, which we can share our good and bad news with—nothing more, nothing less.
3. If She Trusts You:
Videos of how girls try to unlock their guys’ iPhones are quite famous on the internet; and true to some extent too. It is really easy to get to know all about a person’s life by either raiding their cell phone or reading the diary they write.
But if we look closely, it damages a relationship more than anything else can. Lack of trust can be as harmful to a relationship as a lack of sugar in a pie. Trust is a hard virtue to find.
Also, it can take years to earn someone’s trust while it can only take seconds to break it. While trust is a beautiful thing to have in a friend, it is even more beautiful if your lover has it in you.
It is magical, indeed, to have someone in your life who would completely trust you with everything. If you have a girl who does not doubt you but only wishes well for you, then you are a lucky guy, and you ought to put the same amount of trust in her.
4. If She Does Not Take your excuses:
If your girl does not listen to all the excuses you make in order to escape the tough times, never let her go. You think you do not like it when she does that, but deep down there, you know that she is supporting you and she will never let go of you, that surely means you like it. Such strengthening girls want to see you in the places you have dreamed about. They want you to succeed and go through all the thick and thin of life like a thunderbolt.
Such girls make you tough, and they are there to support you during your rough times. The way they support you means that they will always stay by you and never let go of you and will always be there to support you, no matter what.
She wants to see you at heights beyond infinity, and she sees herself with you. If you already have one like this, never ever let her go and stick to her, the way she sticks to you.
5. If She Complements your Humor:
Humour is what attracts a girl the most, in the majority of cases. Different girls react differently to the joke you crack during your daily routine. There are different ways that a girl can adapt to processing your humor. Sometimes, the girl likes it, while other times, she does not.
Now comes the real thing. The above discussion was just a general way to look at things without going in any depth. When you are in a relationship with a girl, there are a lot of things that count. These things determine whether or not you can go long term with the girl or not. Humour is one of those and is really an important one.
If a girl shares a sense of humor with you, you go for her. You can evaluate this on a different basis. Whether or not she goes crazy when you crack a joke. And well, if she adds on to the joke you just made, she is a keeper. Never let her go. She is your Lobster.
6. If She Shares Your Taste in Movies etc.:
Life is hard, you know? There are times when you are just bored, and you have nothing to do. Well, there are activities to counter this boredom, for example, movies, music, TV, reading, etc. We will just stick to the first three in this case.
A good relationship demands time, and by time, I mean valuable time, which is just for the two of you. You need to check in with your girl if she has the same choice as you when it comes to movies, music, and TV because, in your long term relationship, you’ll definitely be doing these things quite frequently.
During your spare time, when you decide on watching a movie, both of you must be into the movie for quality time. You go to the theatre, you cannot watch two movies while sitting in separate halls, you need to stick to a single one, and for that, your choice must match. And you sure don’t want to fight at home about which TV channel to playing. If she goes the same way as you, never let her go. Because hey, she is your lobster.
7. If She Believes in You:
Love is something that can make you do things you do not want to do. You do them just to satisfy your girl and make her feel loved. It is not only you who does that. The girl also does such things for you. Just to keep the thing alive, partners make compromises.
But of course, this is not the only basis. You need a girl who believes in you and who helps you think that you can just do it, whatever it is, you can do it, if she is by your side and if she believes in you.
Remember, love can make you do things belonging to both the extremes: they can be constructive as well as destructive, depending upon the scenario. Choose your girl wisely. Choose the one who sees a hero in you and who would do anything to keep your morals high. She is the one who’s love is not limited to the circle of love only but expands beyond the limitations of life.
8. If She Doesn’t Apply the ‘Elastic Band Theory’:
In case you have not come across the rom-com movie ‘Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging’, nor the seemingly famous ‘Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus’ by John Gray, there is indeed a concept called the elastic band theory: men need their space, and sometimes that can be a huge space. Women should then treat them like rubber bands.
That is to say; when men need space, they should go way too further, much like you would stretch a rubber band. Then, when they’re gone, men will realize their girl’s value all the more. It is just the same as when the more you stretch the band, the faster it will come back together from both sides.
However, there are some wise girls out there today who consider this theory to be nothing more than taking their men for granted. They do not apply this theory to them. If your girl does not support this theory “or anything else that makes you feel like she might be testing you for something, it’s a sign she takes you with all your perfect imperfections and wouldn’t have it any other way.
Most of the time, partners in a relationship don’t know the faults they are fishing out in each other don’t even matter that much. No one is perfect, after all. They are having a girl that finds whatever colors are hidden in your soul enough to paint her world. Honestly, keep her.
9. If She Makes You Act, Not Just Dream:
Behind every successful man is the hand of a woman. You have been hearing it from the start of the century. All men are dreamers. But if your girl is pragmatic enough to remove the blinds of laziness and incompetence from your mind’s window each day and wakes you up to go turn your dreams into reality, she ought to stay in your life. It is one of the saddest things to die with a dream capsized within.
Having somebody to make us get up each morning with the aim to accomplish our ambitions is a blessing, not everyone has. Think about it, what good would it bring to your girl? You’ll be the one going out there and getting your goals accomplished.
Your happiness, when that happens, then, will be her happiness. Yes, you dream of flying and, yes, you also have wings. But what if your partner can teach you just the right art of flying? Not a stone to throw away now, is it?
10. If She Fights Your Bad Intentions:
You can be a villain, a beast, a broken matchstick never to be lit up again¦ or is it really that one-sided? Sometimes, it’s nothing more than a matter of intentions: your cruel intentions may be getting the best of you, leading you to believe you are incapable of harboring any good ones. But then, your girl comes along and makes that extra bit of space inside your head, heart, and soul, and you realize you can indeed fight those demons of bad intentions.
She will do this by either fighting for you “being the shield to your sword, “or she can make you see major strengths you missed before “ones you possessed all along yet never deemed them necessary enough. If you have a girl like that by your side, don’t let her go.
11. If She Exposes You to Intellectual Things:
It might sound overrated at first, but if your girl exposes you to books that make you think of things you never thought of before; to music, you never knew you would like so much; to places that end up being better than your imaginations and so forth, you ought to keep her. Intellect from such otherwise minor yet constructive sources around you can be a good step-up for building your character.
It will make you well known among people¦ like how you could easily answer something diplomatic someone might have said at the party last weekend, all thanks to something you read in a book your partner made you read. These things may sound boring at first. But there is always more than meets the eye, and it can be helpful for you in the long run.
12. If She Respects Your Family:
Take your girl to lunch sometime with your family. By the end of it, if she gets a good laugh around the table, both your parents like her, your siblings enjoy her company, then seriously, she is a precious one and you really ought to stick to her. These days, when many families have their own highly select choices in partners, liking other family members’ choices in dating can be time-consuming and is often unpredictable.
You never know if your family will just ignore the fact that your girl doesn’t mind the ketchup stains on your shirt or likes to do laundry in the middle of the night. Therefore, if she plays the family card right and everyone at home ends up liking her genuinely, keep her.
13. If She Has An Elastic Heart:
Girls are sensitive, naturally. They take a while to heal, but they do. Still, if your girl takes all the spiteful words you throw at her patiently instead of getting into the action too and slamming the door and leaving, she is worth keeping. It shows multiple sides of a strong character in her: patience, understanding, a forgiving nature, compassion, and the list goes on.
You will say things to her you as well as she knows you don’t mean. And despite that, if she sits there patiently waiting for the common sense fairy to smack you in the back of the head, she has an elastic heart, and anything negative you say and do won’t cause her to break¦ no matter how sharp your blade is.
In other terms, when a girl does not let her inborn soft nature get in the way of your relationship’s objectivity, do not let her go. She will not let you see it, but her patience level is the size of a threshold. That deserves to be valued in every sense of the word.
14. If She Empowers You:
Fear is an illusion, at its best. It is used to control you. However, if you are lucky enough to have a girl by your side who makes you fall out of this illusion and teaches you to face your fears, then she is meant to be held on to, always. You only ever meet those who want to control you, make you fearful, and get to your weak spots.
So if your girl makes you see the fear you drown into is nothing but an illusion, then you win the battle; you might as well have her by your side to feast in the victory “don’t let her go. Such a partner can be your greatest source of empowerment in the long run of things to come.
All of life is a battle. You need strategies to win it. Having a good partner by your side will ease things for you: when you see her determined, you will want to be determined too; when you see her hopeful, you will find hope; when you see her fall then get back up again, you will want to keep going forward. Both of you will be growing as individuals in your relationship. You should really hold on to a girl like that.
15. If She Shelters You From Every Storm:
Last but not least, having a girl who offers you a home, a shelter from all the worries of life, all the turmoil, and disappointments you can do without and basically everything in between don’t ever let her go. We all need a home, somewhere to belong to. Sometimes, that home can be found in a person too.
It can be found in the heart of the one who loves you unconditionally, without wax; in the eyes of a girl who looks at the door each night waiting for you to return home safely; in the words of the one who never cheats on you. So do not let her go.
Talk to me:
So do you have someone like this in your life? Does she treat you like you’re the most important person in the world to her? Share your thoughts with me in the comments down below!
What a load of BS
I have a sweet heart of a girl friend. She always make me feel important in her life and with her family.
The response which was anticipated years back for ‘sheltering u from any storm’.
I have someone like in my life , she is my high college school mate then
Yay!💃 All the best 🙃
Flip, slip, trip.