We thought our readers might enjoy this story about a family from Syria who proved there’s nothing better than selfless love.

It’s a massive misconception that people with Down syndrome can’t live entire, productive lives.

One misconception about people with Down syndrome is that they can’t have kids. Women with Down can have kids just fine, and men might be able to father a child if they’re lucky. Despite having Down syndrome, Jad Issa wasn’t just a dad; he also raised his child to be a doctor.

When Sader was born, he was treated just like any other kid in a home. Sader says he felt very loved as a child, and his dad would spend time with him wrestling, thumb wrestling, and other games. People around the family also supported them and accepted them.

She doesn’t have a genetic disorder, so it hasn’t affected their relationship. Additionally, Jad has supported his family through thick and thin. During the last 25 years, he worked six days a week at a wheat factory to support his family. Since day one, he has encouraged Sader to succeed!
Jad is on track to become a dentist, one of the best and most lucrative careers in Syria. Jad’s dad, who put him through school, is thrilled. His favorite thing to say is, “My son is a doctor!”.

While talking about his parents’ relationship, Sader told us that they still love each other despite being together for decades, like they just got married. Their needs match perfectly. Walking together is their favorite activity, or just chatting for hours.
Sader gives credit for his father’s success and says he is as proud of him as his dad. When they’re free, the inspiring duo likes to watch movies together.
Source: Brightside
Photos: Saderissa on Instagram