Woman Called “Disgusting” After Saying She Showers 3 Times a Week

When it comes to showers – we all have our personal preferences. But there’s also this consensus in our society that dominates the narrative.

Most people think it’s vital, if not necessary, to shower once a day. Some people take it further by showering multiple times a day. While others are okay showering a few times a week. Again, it’s all about personal preference.

Today’s story comes from a question from a mum who has two daughters. She posted her question on Mumsnet, a massive forum for parents. They have a sub-forum named AIBU (Am I Being Unreasonable), where mums, dads, parents from all over the world ask about specific situations they’ve been in.

This woman, username grosstonotshower, posted her question and situation:

“Ok so I’m having a few drinks with friends last night. We are all female a mix of parents and non parents. One friend mentions she is struggling to find time for o shower every day since she had her baby. I said “well I don’t shower every day without a young baby,” All of my friends looked at me in horror. Apparently even the ones with kids shower daily. Full disclosure I have two dd one under five and I work part time. I shower on work days plus one extra day so usually three times a week my days off usually consist of playing at home, walking dog, school run and maybe park. I would shower extra if exercising/having s*x/on period etc. I bath my dc three times a week. My oh works out every week day so he does shower more than me.”

As her post got viewed, users from all over chimed in with their remarks and comments – mostly telling her that she was being unreasonable.

User WaystarRoycoCEO commented:

“Personally I think 3 times a week is pretty grim, sorry.
I am a shower everyday person. I can’t get going in the morning without one to be honest.”

Another user, RedCandyApple, said:

“4 kids, single parent, shower daily, always have even when they were newborns. I wouldn’t leave the house without one tbh.”

DropYourSword commented:

“Sorry, I’m a shower every day person too. There might occasionally be a day where I don’t have a shower but that would be the exception rather than the rule!

Not everyone was against the woman’s notion; some users were supportive and said there’s nothing wrong with how many times a person showers.

Billandben444 said:

“You do what suits you. I don’t shower every day – retired and not very active. I love these shower threads and am waiting for the 3-times a day gal to rock up!”

lilikiki commented:

“Shower when you want to? If you stink then yes, shower more. If not, who actually cares just how much time you spend washing?
I have a shower every day but that’s because I’m a manky person who tends to smell super quick! I’d love not to be tho haha”

user1471523870 said:

I think it’s absolutely fine and only you can judge on your needs!

“For me, I like to shower every day first thing in the morning (when possible) as it’s way quicker than wash my armpits, face, lady parts etc and also because my fine hair looks awful if not washed every day. I can do it in under 5 minutes, plus 10 max to dry my hair.”

The entire thread is pretty long and goes for about 39 pages, with most people being on the fence about it. In contrast, others are a bit more accepting and kind towards the woman who asked her question, but the majority is on the side of those who shower daily and disagree with her – you can read the entire thread on Mumsnet here.

Source: Mumsnet

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What are your thoughts on this story? Are you a shower-everyday kind of person or do you side with this woman? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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