Woman Rejects Sister’s Wedding Invitation When She Doesn’t Invite Her Husband Because He’s in a Wheelchair

Some stories are so out of the ordinary they make us think twice about humanity. Today’s Reddit story is about a wife who rejected her sister’s wedding invitation because she didn’t invite her husband because he was in a wheelchair.

The Story

A wife with the username FungalBroth posted her story on Reddit’s AITA (Am I The A**hole?) subreddit – asking the community whether she did the wrong thing by rejecting her sister’s wedding invitation. Her story is below:

“My sister is getting married next month. My husband and I were both planning on going but when we got the invitation it was only for me. When I called my sister and asked about it she said my husband was of course fine to come but she requested that he not be in any family photos.

“My husband is in a wheelchair. I’ve been married to him for 8 years. He has been in a wheelchair since he was 16 and my family has always ever known him to be in his chair. Apparently my sister doesn’t want him in any of her wedding photos because she is afraid that he’ll take attention away from her because he is “different” . She justifies this by saying when people come over and see our family photo they always ask about him because hes the only one that is in a wheelchair so he stands out. She says she wants to be the main focus in her photos.

“I was livid. I went off on her and told her she was being a selfish bridezilla. I told her we wouldn’t be coming. I’ve been getting calls from parents and relatives telling me I need to apologize to my sister because now she’s upset.. I’m angry at them for thinking it’s OK to leave my husband out of family photos because of his disability. My husband hates being a burden on people and he says hes fine with not being in the photos. Which made me even angrier because now he feels bad about himself for something I feel is unwarranted.

“Am I the a**hole if I don’t support my sister’s big day because of this? My husband says we should be there for family even if he can’t be in the photos. My family says I need to apologize. But I feel like this is an issue I need to fight for. Am I wrong?”

The Responses

Suffice it to say; she received immense support from everyone in the Reddit community. For context, NTA means “Not the A**hole.” Here are some of the top comments:

Reddit user macladybulldog said:

“NTA at all

“This is ABSOLUTELY an issue that you need to fight for. Your sister wants to exclude your husband for no other reason than his wheelchair, and that’s unacceptable. She is being a bridezilla, for sure, and your AH family members are backing her up. Don’t feel one ounce of guilt for her. That’s just freaking awful, and she needs to get over herself.”

Cat_got_ya_tongue commented:


“Your sister wants to spend “her day” disrespecting your loving marriage because she thinks she’s competing with a disability for attention. She clearly doesn’t understand relationships enough to get married (although that’s another issue I guess).

“I wouldn’t go to the wedding either because your sister cares more about photos than humans. Tell her to hire some actors that look exactly as she wants them. That way she gets her perfect moment and you don’t have to be there.”

MaybeAWalrus said:

“NTA this makes me so mad when people forgot what a wedding is about because they want the “perfect” wedding.

“Weddings are about 2 individuals joining their life together, and deeply loving each other, not having perfect picture to show and post on your instagram. This is so superficial.”

This post has over 1.5k comments, you can read all of them on Reddit here.

Our Take

NTA, this woman’s sister doesn’t show signs of humanity and cares more about shallow things like photos. We praise this woman for holding her ground!

What’s Your Take?

What’s your take on this wife’s situation? Talk to us in the comments below!

Source: RedditAITA For not wanting to go to my sister’s wedding?

  1. F**k your sister and your family for thinking you’re in the wrong! I would do one of two things, I wouldn’t go to the wedding nor talk to her or your family ever again or I’d go to the wedding and I would refuse to take any pictures and I’d sit right on your husbands lap ALL night and make out!! This is one of the most disrespectful horrible things I have ever heard! Shame on everyone who thinks you should apologize.

  2. My brother was in a wheelchair when he was 23 years old. He was ways included in EVERYTHING, whether it was wedding ,funeral etc . He passed away at age 69. No i dont blame u for not going and no need to apologise

  3. Apparently, the bride needs to step out of the photos because she is the “different” one. Asking her brother in law not to participate in family pics is unbelievable hurtful. I feel sorry for he future husband.

  4. U need to fight ! U are in NO way in the wrong ! Spend the day of ur sisters wedding with ur husband…go out n do something special for the both of u !

  5. You are right. I wouldn’t go to the wedding without my Husband. Your sister’s future husband should think twice about what he is doing. Don’t apologize to her EVER!!! On her day you and your Husband go out and do something special for the both of you. Take a lot of pictures and enjoy yourselves.

  6. this is just awful. Does she know what he goes through each day in a wheelchair. She is something else. Don’t apologize and don’t go to the wedding!

  7. NAH Not even a little bit! I have never commented on one of these, though I read most of them. This one is awful! My heart breaks for you and your husband. That is so unfair and just….. well…… gross for the lack of better words. I don’t even know you, but I’m so proud of you for standing up for your husband. Don’t go to that wedding. I wouldn’t. She can have her ‘perfect’ stupid wedding photos without you there at all!

  8. I almost can’t formulate a response I’m so disgusted! There will be 100s of photos taken that he wouldn’t be included in anyway! Like none of the formal posed wedding photos such as bride and groom, bridal party, parents, siblings and any combination of those! It would only be for pictures with the entire extended family. And those aren’t even about her getting all the attention. They’re to show how much of her family was there to celebrate with her. Well, now there’s going to be a big emptiness where you 2 should have been. And she gets to explain to everyone what a selfish b**ch she was when people ask, where’s your sister and her husband? Why aren’t they in the picture?

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