Marriage is a beautiful yet delicate part of life. It can make two people very happy with each other, or it can make them hate each other for eternity.
Today’s Reddit story comes from AskReddit – where a man with the username Slayer_of_Gingers asked the divorced men of Reddit the exact moment that made them divorce their wives.
“Divorced men of reddit: what moment with your former wife made me think “Yup, I’m asking this girl to divorce me.”?”
Here are thirteen of the top answers from divorced men:
1. Mr-Ignorantiam wrote about finances:
“I was a Lance Corporal bringing home scraps for a paycheck to an unemployed wife who one day brought home a brand new Lexus IS350 because she “got a good deal on it.” Apparently I was supposed to pay the $800/mo bill. I didn’t think it was a good deal.”
2. stickittothemanuel received terrible news:
“When a friend’s wife said to me ‘You know your wife is sleeping with my husband.’“
3. CheesyNate talked about parenting problems:
“My wife was around less & less…had to be free to live her life, go out with her friends. More often than not she would call me to pick our daughter up from daycare, after promising to pick her up & have some girl time…..just tell her I’m working late or not feeling well. She always had something better to do & the kids were old enough to know better. I went to pick our daughter up one day, when they called her name she came running over until she saw it wasn’t mom, again, slumped her shoulders & slowly walked over to ask “what’s her excuse this time?” That was the breaking point, told her to get out, even helped pay her security deposit to get her out.”
4. pcade11 felt unappreciated:
“I used to love to do chores for her because she loved being taken care of. When she stopped noticing, it started hurting. Then one day I made a bench for our entryway out of barnwood. Took about 40 hours of work. She walked in the house after work that day and sat her purse on it and proceeded to start the fight where she told me that she was mad she got married to me. She stormed out of the house grabbing her purse. Never noticed the bench was there. I knew then but I think she already knew.”
5. from_mars_to_sirious spoke about why he’s a single parent:
“When my 2 year old was learning to talk he would consistently say another blokes name. Apparently he was there the moment I left for work till when i got home. Single Dad for 5 years with primary custody now.”
6. SpliceBadger‘s wife just left:
“When she moved out while I was camping with 2 of our sons and there was no discussion of whether her leaving was permanent or potentially temporary in her view.”
7. mwr885 got yelled at for no reason:
“I was on deployment and she yelled at me for interrupting her family’s celebration when I called on Christmas.”
8. elemakii has been through two divorces:
“For the first one: I was working late and the daycare calls and ask if I’m picking up my kids. Left work to go get them, when I got home she was gone. Didn’t hear anything from her for 2 weeks.
“For the second one: the third time I bailed the house out of foreclosure because she wouldn’t pay the bills. Even though there was money in the accounts to cover it. I closed the account, handed her cash for the mortgage packed a bag my kids and left.”
9. imnotfamousiswear got cheated on:
“When I found evidence of the last affair. As soon as I heard it, I knew that was the end, and there would never be anything else there.”
10. lucideus decided during a marriage counseling session:
“In marriage counseling:
Me: I love you.
Ex: I settled on you.”
11. stupidlyugly had a rough marriage:
“We were already not speaking.
“It was Thanksgiving. I knew she wasn’t going to bother, but I made a turkey and whatever goes with turkey for my then eight year old daughter.
“I had the turkey out on the counter to rest after roasting.
“My beloved bride walked in, calmly threw the turkey in the kitchen trash can, and walked out.
“I had to take my kid to f**ing golden corral for Thanksgiving.
“That was it. I was done.”
12. tinfang didn’t have it easy, either:
“I was working 6-7 days a week 10-12 hours a day and she called me lazy. She screaming in my face and telling me I was a bad Father as she demolished my sons room.
13. Anonfamous shares how he got out of a toxic marriage and couldn’t be happier:
“There were many reasons but this was the final straw. My grandmother was on her death bed. My Ex took this time to throw a childish fit because I ordered food that she didn’t like. I realised at that point how completely miserable I was and how f***ing short life is. So we divorced, she took all my money and my kids (+childsupportl). I’ve still never been happier and everytime I have to interact with her is blows my mind that we made it 9 years. I guess when we were together I was so trained to comply and overlook. I now see what an absolute toxic bully she is/was.”
This post is archived now and has over 16.3k answers & comments, you can read them all on Reddit here.
What are your thoughts on these men and why they divorced? Share your thought in the comments below!
Source: Reddit – Divorced men of reddit: what moment with your former wife made me think “Yup, I’m asking this girl to divorce me.”?
After things turned real bad, she saw a counsler. Then they wanted me to go there with her, so I did. I listen to them, then I told the counsler, mife says she is NEVER wrong about anything. Ask her that yourself. Keep in mind wifey is sitting right there and has heard this. Counsler asks, wife says, “yes I am always right.” Counsler (who was a women) looks abosolutely stunned. That was it. Right there and then it was over and nothing on earth could make me change my mind.
I knew my marriage would never recover when she accused me of something that cut me deeply, she was notorious for gaslighting, always lead me to believe it was me. From that moment on, all thought of love had turned to disgust. I filed for divorce as soon as I could…
All of those comments remind me of why I have stayed single for my entire life. . .