We all have goals in our lives; some of us are fortunate to achieve our goals early on, while others strive every day to get closer to them – life is a challenging and beautiful process, and all of us struggle the same. But our society doesn’t appreciate those who achieve their goals early on, for whatever reason – jealousy being one of them.
A 20-year-old, Most_While_8500, posted her horrifying story on Reddit’s AITA (Am I the A**hole?), explaining how her neighbor was being terribly rude towards her because she’s apparently too young to buy a house. She wrote:
“This is a throwaway account.”
“I[20f] was fortunate enough to buy a house. For only being 15k, I have to say its quite nice. It didn’t really need much work besides a new roof and the cabinets needed replaced but my dad is a carpenter so that didn’t really matter much. The pervious owner was an older man who unfortunately passed away after living in the house since before I was even thought of. I finally got to move in 2 months ago. It’s been fun making ot my own but it’s taken some time to get used to living alone.”
“3 weeks after moving in, I was outside starting some work clearing out a few places to plant a garden and flowers in the spring. I live in the Midwest so I wanted to get this done before the ground freezes. My next door neighbor, I’ll call her Jane(50s?), came out and introduced herself. I explained that I just moved in and was preparing my yard for spring. She said it was nice thqt someone was doing some work for the old man and gave me a speil about how it’s a quiet neighborhood and I shouldn’t have parties. I told her I Don throw parties but was planning on hosting a housewarming and Thanksgiving soon. She said it’s weird to throw a housewarming when I was renting. I told her I own the house. She didn’t believe me but went home.”
“Last week, I was out painting my front door. She stormed over yelling that I better of had permission to paint someone else’s house. I again told her I own the home. She started yelling that I was too young to buy a house and she was contacting my landlord. I told her to stop being a busy body and leave me alone. She started demanding proof. I told her it was non of her business and to get off my property. She walked to the edge of her yard and called the police saying I was a squatter. When they showed up, I showed them my paperwork a asked to trespass her from my home. Jane is still angry.”
“I was talking to my dad the next day asking what I should do. He said I was an a** for making enemies with my neighbors and said I should have just showed her to put her mind to rest. I don’t feel like I was in the wrong but my dad thinks I was. AITA?”
The Responses
Everyone on Reddit supported this person fully for what she did. For context, NTA means “Not the A**hole.” Here are some of the top comments:
iwanttoquitposting said:
“NTA, everything went perfectly in this situation because she made an a** out of herself in front of the police right away. Your dad is the a**hole for having no sympathy for you that your neighbor has personality disorders/mental illness/something.”
thekuccimane wrote:
“NTA. Even if you showed her the deed, the way you painted her, she probably would’ve claimed the deed was fake.”
Outrageous-Program30 commented:
“NTA. You showed the deed to the police and that was enough. Being an 20 year old living next door almost guarantees with or without a deed your neighbor wasn’t going to like you any way.”
“Misery, Jealousy and Envy loves company so be on the lookout for the Real housewives of your neighborhood posse she tries to put together”
There are over 2000 comments on this post at the time of writing this article, you can read them all on Reddit here.
Our Take
Most definitely NTA. We’re happy for this woman for being able to achieve one of her goals in life early on and hope her neighbor learns her lesson.
What’s Your Take?
What’s your take on this situation? Let us know in the comments below.
Source: Reddit