5 Things You Could Do On A First Date To Make Sure That He Asks You Out On A Second One

How was your experience on your first date?

Dating can be really awkward for a lot of people. A huge bulk of persons in the dating pool would much rather just organically have their friendships blossom into romances just to avoid the awkwardness of dating. But sadly, dating is going to be necessary for a lot of people in their pursuits of love. A lot of us are going to have to brave these terribly awkward situations for the first parts and just hope for the best. Just remember that the most important thing you could ever do when you’re going on first dates is to always just be yourself. Don’t let the pressure of the situation get to you and force you to be someone that you’re not. You have to always be comfortable with just who you are as a person. Never feel compelled to act in ways that make you feel uncomfortable. You don’t want to be deceiving your potential mates on the very first date. That’s never a good way to start a relationship. 

Now while you’re not supposed to be acting in ways that compromise your character or in means that feel inorganic, that doesn’t mean you should just do whatever you want. You should still always be on your best behavior when on a first date. Remember that you only have one chance at making a good impression and you can’t afford to blow that shot. One false move and you risk missing out on the chance of him asking you out for a second date. Now, while the tips that you’re going to read on here aren’t necessarily going to guarantee a second date, they are sure to significantly increase your chances. So just read on up until the end of this article and make sure that you are prepared for your potential first dates.

1. Put some effort into what you’re going to wear.

Clothes transcend mere aesthetics. Remember that. It’s not just about making sure that you are pleasing to the eye. You have to understand that clothes are an extension of your personality. If you want your date to think that you are a person who is well put together, then you have to really put some effort into your apparel choices.

2. Don’t let the date drag on for too long.

Cut things short. You never want the first date to drag on too long. Remember the goal here is to keep him interested in you. Have fun with one another and be comfortable in each other’s presence, but know when it’s time to end things and call it a day. If you give him just enough to make him like you and then you decide to cut things short, he’s most definitely going to come crawling back for more. He’ll be calling you about that second date in no time. 

3. Let him know that you’re interested without smothering him.

Don’t shower him with compliments every chance you get but don’t act cold or unappreciative either. You have to be able to strike a very fine balance of letting him know that you’re interested in him and making him think that he still has lots of work to do to really win over your affections. You don’t want to immediately buy into the relationship in just one night. Remember that emotions take time to develop before they can really become something stable that you can build off of. Just fluff his ego enough to let him know that he has a real shot with you without smothering him. 

4. Leave out some parts of your story.

If you give him your whole life story on the first date, then there’s practically nothing left to find out about you. He won’t feel compelled to know what’s on the next page or the next chapter. You need to be able to contain yourself. You want to give him just enough to allow him paint a picture of what your life and background is like. Context is very important especially when it comes to relationships. But also leave him wanting more. Remember that dating isn’t like binge-watching your favorite Netflix shows. You can’t know the entire story in one night of getting to know each other.

5. Don’t get too serious and keep things light.

Just have fun with it. This is only the first date. You shouldn’t feel too serious about things. You shouldn’t be feeling pressured to talk about deep and complex issues. You are still trying to feel each other out. You are both just trying to navigate yourselves out of this awkwardness with one another and you don’t have to rush things. Keep things light and always maintain a positive and cheery attitude about things. Don’t get overly emotional or vulnerable right away. If you start getting really deep and heavy, he might get intimidated and you most definitely won’t be getting the second date that you want. 

Talk to me

How was your first date like? Talk to me in the comments below!

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