9 Little Signs That Your Husband Is Falling For Someone Else

You are in a relatively normal marriage with your husband. You have definitely had a lot of happy times. You have shared a lot of momentous experiences and you have made a lot of significant memories together. However, recently, you haven’t really felt like things have been going as well as you may have wanted them to.

You feel like your partner has been gradually distancing himself from you on an emotional level. You feel like things aren’t right anymore. But you aren’t so sure. You can’t really put a pin on it. You have your suspicions but you so desperately don’t want them to turn out true. That’s why you torture yourself for weeks, sometimes even months on end with your suspicions.

You can’t confirm them but you don’t want to be helpless to them either. That’s why you always want to make yourself aware of the various signs that your husband might actually be falling in love with someone else. If you are able to catch these signs early on, then you might be able to make the necessary corrections in your relationship that will prevent him from cheating on you.

We all know that infidelity is one of the most common killers of marriages and relationships. And you never want it to get to a point wherein your partner is driven so mad with the state of your relationship that he ends up cheating on you. That might be a traumatic experience that will prove to be too difficult to recover from.

As they say, prevention is always the cure. Not to say that your husband ever has the right to cheat on you. But you still want to be doing your part in making sure that they never find a reason to be unfaithful to you.

So, without much further ado, here are a few signs that your partner might really be falling in love with someone else.

1. He doesn’t act present whenever the two of you are together.

He seems very cold and distant whenever the two of you are together. Whenever you spend time with one another, it doesn’t feel like he’s all there. He might be physically present but his mind is elsewhere.

2. He becomes more conscious of how he looks.

He might be trying to impress someone else. He might be trying to look good for a new person in his life. He is putting a lot more effort into making himself look good to make himself more attractive to someone else.

3. He doesn’t open up to you about the intimate aspects of his life anymore.

He doesn’t really like to open up to you about the intimate aspects of his life anymore. He doesn’t want to expose the private parts of his life to you. He doesn’t want you to know what he’s up to or what he’s feeling.

4. He acts more irritable and annoyed with you.

He gets easily irritated and annoyed at you. He seems to be getting more and more upset with you. He doesn’t hold back in letting you know about the parts of you that he hates. He seems to be more and more intolerable of your presence in his life.

5. He makes more excuses to go out and stay out late.

He always seems to be out a lot more. He tells you that he has to work late. He tells you that he has a boys’ night out. He tells you that the office is sending him out of town for the weekend. He seems to be spending less and less time at home.

6. He doesn’t express an interest in your life anymore.

He doesn’t really try to express an interest in your life anymore. He doesn’t ask you about how your day is going. He doesn’t make you feel like he wants to know more about what you’re going through. He doesn’t ask you about what’s on your mind or in your heart.

7. He gets defensive when you ask him lots of questions.

Whenever you ask him about plans and arrangements that he might have, he gets really defensive. He doesn’t want to answer any of your questions because he doesn’t want to get incriminated. He doesn’t want to get caught in his lie.

8. He doesn’t make an effort to get sexual with you.

He doesn’t really try to initiate anything with you in the bedroom anymore. He doesn’t make any efforts to get intimate towards you. That’s probably because he is getting his sexual stimulation from other sources instead. He doesn’t rely on you anymore.

9. Your instincts are telling you that something is up.

Sometimes, it’s all just a matter of really paying attention to your instincts and your intuition. Your instincts are there to keep you safe. Your gut is there to protect you from getting hurt. It acts like a sixth sense.

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