9 Reasons She Would Leave You Even If She Loves You

A lot of men will know that women are so charming and disarming when they want to be. And the best kinds of women are unpredictable.

They are the ones who are able to keep things fresh in a relationship despite all of the familiarity and stability. However, that unpredictability can also betray you if she ever chooses to just get up and leave you. She’s going to walk straight out of that door and you’re probably never going to see her again.

And don’t you think that just because she loves you, that’s going to keep her from leaving. It doesn’t work like that. It’s still very likely that she’s going to leave you if you treat her badly. And that can happen even if she still loves you. Here are a few reasons that she might still abandon you even if she still has feelings for you.

1. She doesn’t really feel like you’re a reliable person.

She might love you but she’s still going to leave you if you’re not going to prove yourself to be a reliable individual. You have to show her that you’re someone she can really depend on. You have to prove yourself worthy of the chance that she’s going to take on you. It doesn’t matter how much she might love you. She isn’t going to want to stay with you.

2. She is tired of having to live up to your unreasonable expectations.

She might love you but she’s still going to leave you if you have way too high expectations. It’s normal for you to have expectations in a relationship. But you have to make sure that you are being reasonable with them. You want to make sure that you don’t ask too much from her. You have to understand that she is only human and she has limitations.

3. She gets the sense that she isn’t the only one.

She might love you but she’s still going to leave you if you keep on playing around with her. She isn’t going to want to stick around and wait for you even though you’re still out and about trying to keep your options open. She is a woman who is deserving of your full loyalty and commitment. Anything less than that will have her running.

4. She can’t put up with your need to always be in control.

She might love you but she’s still going to leave you if you don’t find it within yourself to relinquish control every now and then. You have to show her that you trust her enough to let her take the wheel in the relationship every once in a while. It has to be a give and take after all.

5. You just bring a lot of negativity into her life.

She might love you but she’s still going to leave you if you don’t stop bringing a lot of negativity into her life. People typically tend to want to be around other positive people – well, at least the normal ones. And if you’re just going to be such a downer all of the time, then she isn’t really going to want to put up with you even if she loves you so dearly.

6. You are both just from two different worlds.

She might love you but she’s still going to leave you if you just can’t seem to merge the two worlds that you have. The both of you need to find a way to really reconcile your lives with one another’s. You might love one another but you will never be able to make things work if your personalities are just plainly incompatible.

7. You act too immaturely.


She might love you but she’s still going to leave you if you don’t show any signs of growing up. She knows that it takes two dedicated and committed adults to make a relationship work. And you’re never going to get anywhere in your relationship if you don’t prove to her that you’re capable of maturing as an individual.

8. She is always giving without receiving.

She might love you but she’s still going to leave you if you fail to give her the love, attention, and care that she needs from you. You can’t afford to be selfish in your relationship. You really need to set aside some time and energy for this lady that you want to keep in your life. Otherwise, she’s going to walk away from you.

9. You don’t share similar plans for the future.

She might love you but she’s still going to leave you if you just can’t seem to find a way to reconcile the plans that you have for your individual selves. If you don’t envision similar futures, then compromise is really going to be key here.

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