9 Symptoms Of Menopause That Most Women Overlook

There are a lot of symptoms of menopause that go overlooked by women just because they make the mistake of attributing these symptoms to something else. Usually, women would associate hot flashes with menopause-related health issues.

And yes, it’s true that hot flashes are definitely one of the most popular menopause symptoms out there. However, there are other symptoms that most people don’t know about because they are a lot less obvious.

The reason why a lot of these symptoms that are about to be listed here go unnoticed a lot is because they can often be caused by any other reasons or physical conditions.

And that can make it really hard to determine if these symptoms are really being triggered by menopause. However, if you learn to take into consideration your age along with the combination of a bunch of these symptoms, then you have a very strong case for believing that you have menopause.

Women typically go through a stage before menopause that is often called perimenopause. There is also a stage after menopause which is called postmenopause.

Any of these symptoms can occur in any stage of the menopausal condition. If you find that a lot of the symptoms listed on here actually apply to you, then it’s likely that you might truly have menopause.

1. Night Sweats

Night sweats are just essentially the same as hot flashes except they happen to you when you sleep. Probability says that if you experience hot flashes during the day, it’s likely that you’re going to experience night sweats while you sleep as well.

2. Insomnia (And Other Sleep-Related Problems)

Another symptom of menopause is experiencing insomnia – whether it’s really mild or really serious. This insomnia might be caused by night sweats or some other forms of discomfort that may be brought about by hormone fluctuations.

3. Uterine Bleeding

When you experience bleeding during or after menopause, then that definitely isn’t normal. It’s true that you can get some very intense periods in the perimenopause stage. But any kind of uterine bleeding that happens outside of this should definitely be given special attention and care.

4. Hormonal Imbalance

You should just think of menopause as being this one really big hormonal imbalance. These hormonal imbalances happen because the ovaries produce less and less estrogen. It’s because of the decreasing levels of estrogen production that the body goes through hormonal imbalances.

5. Mood Swings

It’s also normal for a woman to go through mood swings as a result of hormonal imbalance. And you already know that a hormonal imbalance is a symptom of menopause. Moods are essentially controlled by your hormones. And hormone fluctuations can drastically impact your moods.

6. Vaginal Dryness

Usually, vaginal moisture is a result of hormone production. That’s why when the estrogen levels in the body are depleting, it’s likely that the vagina is going to experience some bouts with dryness. This vaginal dryness is going to result in significant pain during sex. You are also at risk of damaging the vagina.

7. Memory Lapses

Sometimes, consistent cases of lapses in memory is a symptom of menopause. Usually, people attribute memory loss to old age. But it’s also a symptom that can be attributed to menopause as well.

8. Irregular Menstrual Periods

Estrogen is a hormone that is primarily responsible for regulating the body’s menstrual cycles. That is why with a decrease of estrogen, it’s likely that your body is going to go through some seriously strange menstrual cycles.

9. Decreased Libido

Women who go through menopause are likely to experience a decrease in libido. The reason that this makes sense is that sexual desire usually comes with a woman’s natural instinct to reproduce. And with a decrease in hormones, it’s just more likely that a woman is not going to want to have sex as much.


A lot of these symptoms that are listed here are likely to get attributed to something else. There are some women who will even go as far as to just ignore these symptoms instead of paying any mind to them.

If you look at the smaller picture, on an individual level, these symptoms can seem like they’re purely unrelated problems. However, if you notice that a lot of these symptoms are present and you’re within the age range of 48-55, then it’s a high chance that you are experiencing these symptoms as a result of menopause.

It can be very overwhelming when you’re trying to deal with all of these symptoms but you can’t afford to just ignore them. There are so many treatments that are available to you to help ease or relieve the effects of these symptoms.

There are many medications and therapies at your disposal and you shouldn’t be afraid to capitalize on them. You shouldn’t have to go on with this discomfort just because you’re too lazy to do anything about it.

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