This is what is in store for your Zodiac sign today. Overall, the universe is chaotic today. It’s going to be different strokes for different folks. Some are going to be luckier than others. If you want to stay updated on what astrology is going to have in store for you, then you might want to click here.
1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Drama is circulating in couples all around you, Aries. And you should be desperate to make sure that none of that drama infects your relationship. Even though you constantly crave for excitement and exhilaration, this is not what you want for your relationship. Sometimes, it’s better just to embrace the calmness of the times. You don’t want to be biting off more than you can chew here. Learn to find value in the mundane aspects of your relationship.
2. Taurus (April 20 – May 21)
Money matters are going to cause some serious trouble in your relationship right now, Taurus. It’s not necessarily an issue that is going to be new to your couple. Financial issues have plagued relationships for the longest time now. You should take comfort in the fact that couples have gotten through this before. And you have to trust that you and your partner will be able to pull through as well. You and your partner are going to turn out fine.
3. Gemini (May 22 – June 21)
Resist temptation, Gemini. Just because things are a little boring in your relationship right now doesn’t mean that you should go looking for trouble. You shouldn’t be looking for drama. This is wrong. You shouldn’t be looking to shake things up just for the sake of it. Instead, try to focus on your relationship. Don’t have wandering eyes anymore. You should be over that phase of your life. If you feel like you aren’t, then try to be honest with yourself about it.
4. Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
You are going to come into a considerable disagreement with your special someone today, and it’s going to hurt your feelings, Cancer. However, you need to keep your chin up. Even though you and your partner fight sometimes, that should be no reason for you to stop loving the fact that you’re together. Sometimes, people don’t see eye to eye. And that’s okay. That shouldn’t invalidate the love that you might have for someone.
5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Don’t let your arrogance get the best of you, Leo. You tend to allow your ego to swallow you up completely. And you can’t let that be the case. You always want to make sure that you remain confident without fully compromising humility. Remember that you need to allow space in your life for your partner as well. If your ego is taking up too much space, then you might as well kiss your relationship goodbye.
6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
You have to learn to trust your partner today, Virgo. You have to be able to rely and depend on them to deliver without you hounding them every single second of the day. It’s going to be hard for you, given your controlling and demanding nature. However, you can’t keep a stranglehold on your relationship. You need to give your partner the time and space to be their person in the relationship. If you don’t, then you risk losing them altogether.
7. Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Respect is something that should never be compromised in a relationship, Libra. However, not a lot of people realize that that also means you must always respect yourself. You can’t be content with just allowing people to walk all over you, most especially not your partner. You have to set boundaries, and you need to be able to enforce them. You can’t keep putting your own needs and desires second to theirs.
8. Scorpio (October 23 – November 22)
Rest easy, Scorpio. The rough part is done for now. You have some time just to breathe and engage in some form of recreation with your significant other. Take this as a chance for the two of you to bond and connect. You must be able to cherish these chill moments that you can get together as a couple.
9. Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)
Slow down a little bit, Sagittarius. Don’t be in such a hurry to live your life. You need to cherish the moment that you’re in. You have been trying hard to rush to a particular destination that you have in mind lately. However, too much rushing isn’t going to be healthy for everyone.
10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)
There is a lot of pressure on you and your relationship at the moment, Capricorn. However, you and your partner need to realign yourselves to make sure that you can withstand all of this stress and tension. You need to adjust your perspective. Life shouldn’t be taken too seriously. You don’t want to be putting too much pressure on yourselves to be a certain way. Remind yourselves that love is still the most important thing here.
11. Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)
Preparation is always going to be key, especially for you, Aquarius. Hard times are coming for your relationship. However, you’re going to find a way to get through all of them if you manage to prepare for it well. Do this by communicating with your partner openly and freely. Make sure that they feel like you have your head in the game and that you aren’t going to be taking a calm approach to addressing the issues in your relationship.
12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Hard work is something that you might need to internalize today, Pisces. You know that things are going well for you and your relationship right now. However, you may have forgotten that you didn’t get to where you are now by sheer luck. You worked hard on your relationship. You mustn’t allow yourself to get complacent. Continue to try to assert yourself for the sake of your relationship. You don’t want to be taking your relationship for granted.