Losing a loved one is one of the most devastating feelings in the world. Someone you planned your life with, spent your nights and days with, shared everything with – just gone. It takes forever to recover from that, but we try our best to keep them in our hearts and move forward because that’s what they would want us to do.
Love at First Sight
Today’s tragic story is about a couple from Kansas who share five beautiful children together. Joey & Casi met in 2004. They worked in the same office and slowly fell in love. They decided to be together. Joey, while speaking to PEOPLE, talked about their love:
“We became good friends and she was actually the one to ask me out first,”
“But I wasn’t really into the idea of dating someone from work.”
Even though Joey was against the idea, he still agreed to go on a date with Casi. And he fell in love with the incredible woman Casi was. He also told PEOPLE about how creative Casi was:
“There isn’t one wall that doesn’t have something she painted on it.”
Becoming a Family
In 2009, the amazing couple welcomed their first child – a daughter, Chloe. A couple of years later, they had another daughter, Tenley. The couple was slowly becoming a beautiful and happy family.
Joey told PEOPLE about their plans of having a big family:
“We were busy with those two, but we knew we wanted a big family,”
Expecting Triplets
As fate would have it, Joey & Casi were going to have triplets! Joey explains how excited they were and how Casi was doing everything in her power to make sure her pregnancy went smoothly. Joey said:
“She did everything she had to do for those babies,”
“She took all her vitamins, she went to the doctor when she was supposed to.”
Casi moved to an area closer to the NICU for a while, to prepare for the birth. Joey continued:
“She stayed with my brother-in-law, but we would come visit every weekend and FaceTime every night so she could see the girls,”
“Throughout the day, we would text and email.”
After a long journey, Casi underwent a C-section and everything was fine. Joey said:
“Later in the day, we went to the nursery and spent a lot of time holding the babies,”
“She was in the hospital with them for four days. She started breastfeeding. It was great. She just ate it up.”
Tragedy Takes Place
Casi & Joey went back home after their babies were born and were still in the NICU. That night, Casi complained of having pains in her chest accompanied by fast heartbeats. They went to the hospital where a lot of tests were done on Casi and they found out that there was a clot in her lungs.
But according to the doctor, “the clot was in the best part of her lungs it could be,” so she was going to be alright. They thought it was going to be okay and went back.
When the babies finally came home, the couple picked up their daughters from school and wanted to surprise them with the new babies waiting for them. But as soon as they entered the house and a few moments of pure joy were shared, Casi started having chest pains again. Joey instantly took her to the hospital.
Joey told PEOPLE about that painful car ride to the hospital:
“Then things turned for the worst,”
“I was driving and suddenly she just passed out.”
“She wasn’t moving the entire time. I didn’t know if she was breathing,”
“But it was too late. The people at the hospital did all they could do. They worked on her for over an hour.”
“My emotions were numb. It didn’t feel real at all. It was for sure the worst moment of my life,”
Trying to Be Strong & Keeping His Wife’s Promise
Joey, a devastated husband, and father who lost the one person who meant everything to him, still kept his head high because of the promise to his wife.
He told PEOPLE:
“After Tenley was born, Casi said to me, ‘If something every happens to me, just make sure the kids know how much I love them.’ That stuck in my head,”
Our hearts go out to Joey and his family for what they’re going through. We hope they find the courage and strength to keep moving forward and keep Casi alive in their hearts.
Share Your Thoughts
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All the best 4 the future