A single mother from Nuneaton, Warwickshire, found that her son was sending nasty messages to his classmate, she became furious, and the next thing she did was made his son march to the girl’s house with apology sweets and flowers.
Thirty-two-year-old Samm Jane, a single parent of five children, received a call from his son’s school and was informed of his inappropriate behavior with a class fellow.
On June 7, Samm was told by the school admin that her 12-year-old son was disturbing a girl in her class by calling her fat and ugly. Not only this, but he also used other ‘bad words.’
The young mom of five was disgusted by her son’s behavior and thought of teaching him a lesson.
Samm posted a video on her TikTok account and shared the whole story.
“I got a call from my son’s school to tell me he’d been throwing pencils in class.” She said in her video.
“Then the woman on the phone said, ‘we don’t know what’s been said, but we’re aware that Dave’s been sending nasty text messages to one of the girls in his class.’”
“I asked who it was, but they couldn’t say because of data protection. So I sat on this information for three hours until my son got home from school.”
“I needed to know what he said. She continued.
“I never thought he’d be like this; I’d raised him to never disrespect a girl. I’m a female, I’m a single mum, and he should respect me and everybody else around him.”
Samm shared that when her son Dave returned from school, she made him unlock his phone and read all the messages he sent to that girl.
She said she was ‘horrified’ to read all the nasty messages.
“He’d sent this girl texts saying, ‘I never want to see your ugly face in school. Your ugly face and fat body offend me.”
“She’d text him back saying, ‘Stop being horrible to me.’ He’d sent voice notes as well going, ‘Urgh, you’re disgusting.’”
“I was shaking with anger. I was livid. I was like, ‘What are you playing at?’ and my son goes, ‘She does my head in at school.’”
“And I said, ‘I don’t give a f**k if she does your head in at school. What gives you the right to speak to her like that?’
She said, “I told him, ‘She’s going to be looking in the mirror now and feeling so insecure.’ I couldn’t let it go.”
Samm said that the school didn’t reveal the girl’s identity, but she made a few calls and found out who she was and where she lived.
“I told Dave we were going around to apologize. Not only to the girl but to her parents, to her aunts, to her uncles, to whoever was in that house,” she said.
She also said that on their way to the girl’s house, she made Dave buy some chocolates and flowers for the girl with his own birthday money.
“I walked him down to the girl’s house, and I was fuming. I knocked on the door, and the girl answered. She brought them to the door when I asked if her parents were in.”
Samm said that she told her parents about what her son did.
“I repeated everything that [my son] said to her, and the girl’s dad said, ‘I’m not going to lie, mate, if you were a grown man and you said that to my daughter, I would have kicked your head in.”‘
“The girl accepted the apology, and he gave her the flowers and the chocolates. I said, ‘He will never speak to you like that again.'”
She said she reassured the parents that her son would never do such a thing again, and in case he did, they could straight up come to her house to teach him a lesson.
“I gave her my address and told her to come round if there were any problems so we could sort it out together.”
Lastly, the mother concluded her story by saying,
‘My son learned his lesson, and I will ensure he did!
“I wanted to share it so other people could see it and think. I don’t want my boy to be like that. We’ve got to bring up the next generation.”
Samm Jane’s story was viewed more than a million times on TikTok, and thousands of people applauded her for doing the right thing.
You can follow this super-mom on TikTok here.
Share Your Thoughts:
Do you think the mom of five did the right thing? Let us know your thoughts.
So you taught the daughter that she can’t stand up for herself, and that she has no power to tell the boy to stop or put a stop to it – And the Dad even solidified that thought
Good Job – you took away the opportunity for someone to learn to stand up for themselves.
What ? You mean like being humiliated every day only to go home wishing you were dead ? Bully and Suicide is REAL !! Great job Mom ! Be a Solution and not a Problem !!