Throughout Johnny Depp & Amber Heard’s trial, people have clearly picked sides on who they’re standing with and listening to. When it comes to fans, Johnny Depp’s fans far overpower Amber Heard’s. While celebrities have also taken sides, with names like Bill Burr talking against Amber Heard.

In the latest developments, Rachel Riley has spoken out against Johnny Depp in one of her Tweets. She’s a British TV star and is known for the show “Countdown.” She tweeted:
She shared a thread about Johnny Depp and his problematic history – the thread contains a huge list of everything he was a part of in his past. In the tweet, Rachel Riley wrote:
“I wouldn’t wish this guy on my worst enemy.”

Since this is such a high-profile trial involving celebrities, a lot of big names are going to voice their opinions and stand with one person or the other. Eva Green has voiced her support for Johnny Depp, among a lot of other celebrities who decided to support Depp.

Johnny Depp began this trial by filing a lawsuit against Amber Heard for $50 Million because of the op-ed she wrote against him in 2018, while Amber Heard fought back with a $100 Million lawsuit – and that’s what has led to all of this.

As far as the fans and overall public is concerned, almost all of them are standing with Johnny Depp – which is very clearly seen in the petition against Amber Heard as it exceeded 4 million signatures to get Amber Heard removed from Aquaman 2. Johnny Depp has also suffered big losses – mainly being removed from The Pirates of The Caribbeans franchise.

The verdict still has a long way to go as people give testimonies and more information comes to light. Johnny Depp has also said that no matter what the outcome is, he has lost – because his image will never be the same again.
We will keep you posted with all of the latest news from this infamous trial.
Share Your Thoughts
What are your thoughts on what Rachel Riley has said about Johnny Depp? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Wait! Who is this, and more importantly who cares what she thinks?
i think she is a gold digger
They are BOTH pathetic airing their dirty laundry for the world. She is just as much at fault as he is. They should BOTH be ashamed. He definitely was not innocent but at least he was letting it rest with the divorce. She was the one that had to put it on out there. They BOTH should just be gone until they BOTH learn how to behave with some dignity. He lost the top of a finger. She got beaten around. If you ask me they both deserved each other. Both need counseling and maybe to be ashamed. BOTH make me nauseous
Umm.. he never beat her up, she was the abuser and admitted that. Where have you been? Under a rock? You should comment when you know what you’re talking about.
Your comment makes me nauseous