Financial transparency and oneness are vital for every happy relationship. Couples fall apart when this one vital thing loses its balance. Today’s story is about a boyfriend who made fun of his girlfriend but it backfired on him.
The Story
Redditor, TemporaryTree8673, shared her story on AITA (Am I the A**hole?) to share her story and ask the community whether she did the right thing or not. She wrote:
“We’ve been together for 2 years, living together for 1. When we were on our first date he asked if I pursued a higher education after high school, which I didn’t. I explained that I failed high school and he couldn’t believe it. He was a high achiever and couldn’t possibly understand how somebody could fail high school.”
“He finds it amusing to tease me about it and truthfully it doesn’t bother me. I have a good job and I’ve done great things despite not having a traditional education. At the very worst it’s a little annoying but I refuse to lose sleep over it.”
“Tonight we had friends over and the conversation turned towards high school and what subjects we did. I listed off what I studied in my final year and he began to laugh, saying that it didn’t matter because I failed anyway. Then since he’d had too much to drink he took it a little far and started poking fun at how only idiots fail high school. I tried to play it off but the alcohol got the better of me as well and I snapped, responding,”
“‘That’s why I earn $48 per hour and you earn $26, right? Because you did so well in high school and that set you up for success?'”
“Him and one of his friends said that I’d ruined the night, but a couple of my friends said he had it coming.”
The Responses
Her post garnered a lot of responses from Reddit’s community. They supported her for what she did. For context, NTA means “Not the A**hole.” Here are some of the best comments:
GalaticA**hole said:
“NTA. He shouldn’t be dishing it out if he can’t take it.”
“Edit: Also want to add, maybe it’s a good time to talk about how your history with high school shouldn’t really be brought up anymore. Really sounds like he pokes fun belittles you for it because he’s insecure that you’re more successful than he is.”
jabmwr wrote:
“NTA. It’s odd that he has held onto this ‘joke’ for so long, especially about high school. A healthy partner would support and uplift your accomplishments/career instead of focusing on demeaning you.”
thundaga0 spoke out minds:
“NTA but why are you with him? I think that’s a pretty clear indicator of how he views you.”
PorgNBeanz commented:
“You didn’t ruin the night. He pushed and pushed until you snapped back and then he went all ‘Surpised Pikachu.'”
“Not gonna say this by itself is breakup-worthy but that kind of BS negging would have me questioning, at least. Why does he feel it necessary to put you down so badly?”
NotHisRealName chimed in:
“I graduated high school. My girlfriend has a master’s degree. I make more money because we’re in vastly different industries. She has never once, ONCE, mocked me for not having attained the same level of education she has or for not even finishing college in the first place.”
fun_brainz spoke facts:
“NTA. He insulted you, and when you defend yourself he said you were at fault? That’s really awful.”
Emmiburr supported her:
“He’s belittling you over education. He’s equating bow much education you have to success with money.”
“Obviously this isn’t true. I have an art degree. And I don’t make shit yearly.”
“My husband just managed to graduate high-school. Because he chose construction and to be an independent contractor, he makes way, way more than I do.”
“Traditional education doesn’t mean shit anymore.”
This post has almost 1500 comments at the time of writing this article, you can read them on Reddit here.
Our Take
Completely NTA. A person’s intelligence isn’t measured by a piece of paper. This boyfriend shows a lot of toxic traits and we hope this woman finds someone who knows how to be mature and appreciate her.
What’s Your Take?
What’s your take on this woman’s story? Share your take in the comments below.
Source: Reddit
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