When we think back to the past two years, we sometimes lose track of time – it’s like time went by faster than our perceptions, and we are still trying to catch up to it. Thankfully, the past two years have also taught us to cherish each moment.
According to astrology and numerology, 2022 will be a more positive year – a year of healing and growth. Today, we will discuss how your love life and relationships might play out in 2022.
1. Aries (March 21 – April 20)
Aries can expect a good year when it comes to love and emotions. If you’re single, be open to new love and new beginnings – don’t keep those emotions hidden anymore. And if you’re in a relationship, you should open your heart and mind to spending more quality time with your partner – heal each other and everything you’ve been through together. Also, read 10 things you need to know about a Cancerian woman
2. Taurus (April 21 – May 21)
Taurus is known for never giving up – whether about love or life in general. This year, be open to forgiveness and moving on. If you’re single, forget your preconceived notions about love and open your arms to things outside of the box. Similarly, couples will grow further and learn to forgive each other more quickly in 2022.
3. Gemini (May 22 – June 22)
Gemini will see love from all directions. You will find it easier to meet someone who matches your wavelength if you’re single. You will be more giving and loving towards your partner in a relationship. You will also find out new things about yourself that are still undiscovered and waiting to be tapped into. Also, read our separate article for Geminies: 5 Easy Ways to Love a Gemini.
4. Cancer (June 23 – July 23)
Being one of the most nurturing zodiac signs, Cancer will see positive growth in both themselves and their love lives. Couples will see a delightful boost in emotions and love. While singles can expect a new kind of partner, remember to be open to people you aren’t expecting. Also, read 10 things you need to know about a Cancerian woman
5. Leo (July 24 – August 23)
Being a dominating and highly-motivated zodiac, Leos will need to be more patient and forgiving with love in 2022. You will need to take out a few bad apples from your life to find complete peace and freedom. Couples should be excited to travel more, while singles should be excited to learn and grow with happiness. read, 10 ways to make a strong relationship with a Capricorn!.
6. Virgo (August 24 – September 23)
Virgo is going to have a great year when it comes to self-development. Singles should solely focus on themselves; love will come on its own. Couples should be open to sharing new memories and emotions. Here are 13 things that you should know about loving a Virgo
7. Libra (September 24 – October 23)
It will turn out to be a very liberating year for Libra. Be open to accepting the value of yourself and not what others see in you. If you’re in a rut with someone, learn to love yourself first and be ready for new beginnings. Happy couples can expect a lot of new experiences and emotions. Also read Why are Libras considered as the best long term partners.
8. Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)
Don’t shy away from love in 2022; a lot of potential waits across the horizon for you. Singles should try to stay away from online dating and be more interested in meeting people. Couples can expect exciting news about their love life in 2022. If you’re planning on dating a Scorpio then you should know the 15 Brutally Honest things about
9. Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)
Being one of the most adventurous Zodiac signs, Sagittarius can expect many new relationships in 2022 – both friendly and romantic. An old friend may invite you back into their life, take your time and do what feels right to you when the occasion arises. Couples can expect more travel and new memories to cherish in 2022. Also read, 10 Ways to Love a Sagittarius.
10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)
The beginning of 2022 may seem complicated, but it’s a necessary change that will lead to greener pastures. Don’t be afraid to let go of toxic love and be open to accepting new love from places you least expect. Happy couples will see a significant boost in their romance and emotional bonding in 2022. Also read, 10 Things to Remember While Loving a Capricorn and if you are in a relationship with a Capricorn read, 10 ways to make a strong relationship with a Capricorn!
11. Aquarius (January 21 – February 19)
Aquarius will need to be very open to new love and new friendships. You will also need to let go of someone pulling you back from life and keeping your spirits down. Be open and accepting of positive changes in your life. If you stay true to yourself, you will find the kind of love that you truly deserve. Also read, 9 Things to Adopt For a Healthy Relationship with an Aquarius.
12. Pisces (February 20 – March 20)
Being the most creative Zodiac sign, 2022 will be a super-creative year for you. Couples may go through difficult times if they don’t accept their differences. Happy couples will venture into a major creative project together. Singles should pay attention to a good friendship that could turn into a very healthy and emotional relationship. Also read, 10 things you need to know about Loving a Pisces.
Comment Your Thoughts Below
Are you ready to heal in 2022? We know the past two years have been hard, but at least we share the hard times.
We wish you a very happy and prosperous 2022! Comment your thoughts below and let us know what you expect.