For the unlucky ones, a bad relationship will slowly leech away at your life and make you feel absolutely miserable. It will taint your perception of the world and induce you to a grimmer view on love and in life. That’s why it’s important to know if you happen to be in a bad relationship that’s killing you. You don’t want to come out of it a broken and sad person. You need to be able to save whatever dignity you still have and come out of a bad relationship with a fighting spirit.
Not all relationships are created equal. Some relationships will require a lot of work, while others will carry on effortlessly. Some relationships make the individuals involved better people, while other relationships can bring the worst out of a person. Some relationships make people’s lives much easier to live, while other relationships slowly leech away at a person’s life. It’s very important that you know what kind of relationship you happen to be engaged in at any given time. That way, you know whether a relationship is worth sticking around for, or if you should just cut your losses.
For the unlucky ones, a bad relationship will slowly leech away at your life and make you feel absolutely miserable. It will taint your perception of the world and induce you to a grimmer view on love and in life. That’s why it’s important to know if you happen to be in a bad relationship that’s killing you. You don’t want to come out of it a broken and sad person. You need to be able to save whatever dignity you still have and come out of a bad relationship with a fighting spirit. Here are 10 signs that your relationship is killing you softly:
1. You have constant urges to cry.
It’s as if you’re caught in a perpetual state of sadness and depression. You’re always anxious and you have constant urges to cry. You know that your sadness is brought about by the stress of your relationship but you just can’t seem to break away from it. It’s as if you’re willing to just let yourself be sad for the sake of preserving your dysfunctional relationship.
2. You’ve lowered the standards you’ve set for yourself.
You used to hold yourself to such high standards. You used to set goals for yourself and you always strived to achieve them. However, those days are gone. Mediocrity and failure are perfectly okay for you now. You’ve somehow regressed to a state of weakness. – Continue reading on the next page
3. You make too many excuses for your partner.
When you got into the relationship, you set so many expectations for your partner. You had things that you wanted to get out of the relationship, but over time, you realized that these expectations were never met. And so you end up making excuses on behalf of your partner and relationship; even though deep inside you know that your excuses are invalid.
4. You have a depreciated sense of self-worth.
You hate the person you’re becoming but you can’t seem to find a way out. You have a total lack of confidence and you no longer like how you feel about yourself. You’re ashamed of the person you’ve become.
5. You’ve started to give up on yourself.
You no longer go after your dreams and aspirations because you’re settling. You’re settling for a mediocre relationship and so you just choose to settle for a mediocre life while you’re at it. You’re no longer the ambitious stubborn little child that you used to be.
6. You’ve lost interest in your passions and hobbies.
The things that used to excite you no longer bring you any joy. You don’t have fun playing the sports you used to play. You no longer feel the thrill of doing the hobbies that you used to love doing. You’re no longer stimulated by the old activities you used to be so passionate about because you’ve just completely lost all interest in life and in living.
7. You’ve adopted high levels of self-doubt.
Your confidence is at an all-time low because you’re just caught in a dysfunctional relationship. You never feel like you’re appreciated and you don’t get enough recognition from other people. And so you start to believe your own helplessness. You don’t think you can conquer this life on your own anymore, and you feel like you’re lost. You’ve misplaced all sense of direction and so you have no confidence moving forward.В – Continue reading on the next page
8. You’ve stopped improving as an individual.
You no longer have the urge to challenge yourself. You no longer engage in mental and physical stimulation because you feel like you won’t be able to take it. You don’t feel like there’s any significance in trying to improve yourself to become a better person. You think that moving forward in life is pointless and that’s a mindset that you really need to change.
You hate being around people already. Your bad relationship has destroyed you to the point where you no longer like social interaction. You’re just so fed up with the emotional toll that your relationship is taking on you, and so you avoid all opportunities for communication with anyone else.
10. You’re constantly caught on an emotional roller-coaster.
It’s up and down with your relationship. Sometimes, it does just enough to make you want to fight it out. But also, it does terrible things to you that makes you question your very existence.
Talk to me
Have you been in this situation before? Let me know in the comments down below!
I am in this very situation as we speak. Every night I spend crying , worrying and just down right anxious. I can’t be happy anymore. All the signs mentioned are indicative of what I’m going through- And maybe even worse. What do I do. I’m so confused?
The crying was over a year or two ago. For the past 16yrs I’ve stood by this man through his dreams to start his own business (which stays afloat because of me), his various addictions, mental health crisis’,bouts of inappropriate behavior with females, stealing from me, family drama, police interactions and the latest…spewing his drunken mouth at a local bar of his hatred for me. BTW not even sure where he came up with that because we haven’t had an argument in months. We live in a small town so local people told me of his disgusting behavior. Of course he won’t admit to going to a bar, drinking or speaking ill of me. Everyone blows things out of proportion. lol. I have asked him to leave, for a divorce, separation etc. very seriously once 5yrs ago, last summer and now. He will not cooperate in the least. He won’t find a place of his own, show up for court dates, even when I offer to give him basically everything. This is a nightmare. The business is in my name, I don’t want to be married to him, let alone work with him. I just want myself back. It’s as if I’m trapped in some kind of a sick fun house at the carnival…
Every feeling in this post I feel and have been feeling for many years. Depression was a creeper…I tried to fight it but it finally reached in 2018 when I thought about taking my life. 16 years of hell with a man that I have just had to drag through life on my back. All because I wanted my kids to have a dad. He’s never been any use and everyday I ask him to leave he won’t. Everyday I ask myself why I’m still in this situation but really now all it comes down to is funds. I’m at the end of the peice of string. Get some money find a room put all his stuff in there change my locks whatever he wants to do from there will be his problem. Never I’m my life will I settle again just because. And I will be strong again! Better than ever
I got into a relationship when I was 16 with someone 8 years older than me. Little did I know over time it slowly started to crush my spirit and I feel most of those symptoms you listed above. I feel severely insecure in my relationship over the years and I’m 20 now. I feel like I’ve developed some sort of PTSD and can’t take any of the things that trigger me in it any longer. I feel rather jealous often and have been working on myself all the time to try dwindle it away, however I don’t ever feel jealous towards other women when I’m single (which makes sense I suppose). They would always point out hot people they like and I would hardly get reassured nor felt loved like when I first met them. I feel emotionally abused and maybe emotionally abused them back because of the way I tried to deal with my emotions un healthily. I feel like I cannot enjoy anything by myself. The relationship is a constant worry. I don’t know what to do.
I’m in this situation right now with a girl I adore her more than anything but it’s killing me.
Please I need help‼️