12 Silent Killers of Relationships That Badly Damage Your Love-Life

Sometimes, the things that destroy our relationships are the things we don’t really take notice of right away.
silent killers of relationships

Silent killers of relationships are prevalent in today’s world. They work under the shadows and keep at it until your love story is damaged beyond repair.

Whenever we get into relationships, we always hope for the best. We still want to believe that things are going to work out in our favor. It is very unusual for anyone to go into it, thinking that they are just bound for failure. We always maintain a certain sense of optimism and positivity.

However, there is just no denying the truth that relationships are never a sure thing – no matter how pure your intentions might be going into them. Some emotions start high only to end up crashing and burning as time goes by.

And usually, these hopes are destroyed by circumstances that could have been avoided with more vigilance and better effort. It’s no secret that a lot of people break up purely because they were unable to make things work.

The grand destroyers of relationships don’t always have to be significant life-changing events. A breakup doesn’t always have to be brought about by a case of infidelity, a career shift, or a big argument. Usually, breakups occur as a result of incremental killers that accumulate over time.

And the worst part about this is that a lot of these killers are silent; they float under the radar, and you never notice that they’re harming your love-life until it’s too late.

So you always have to make sure to practice good habits in your relationship, day-in, and day-out. You don’t want to end up losing a perfectly good love just because of your recklessness, do you? You have to stay on top of things. Be sure that you aren’t guilty of committing any of these mistakes, and you should be fine.

Here are 12 silent killers of relationships.

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1. Senseless Jealousy

Jealousy is one of the most notorious silent killers of relationships. It’s nice to act a little possessive in a relationship. It makes your partner feel wanted and protected. But to be overly jealous about nothing is toxic, and it’s destroying your romance.

2. A Reluctance To Give Each Other Space

Just because you’re in a relationship with one another doesn’t mean that you have to spend all of your time together. It’s always essential to establish a sense of individuality even though you’re sharing a life with someone. Give each other space to breathe and be your persons every once in a while.

3. Liberal Use Of The Silent Treatment

You should never use the silent treatment as a tool to get what you want. You have to understand that part of getting what you want from your partner can communicate your needs effectively. You aren’t going to solve the problem by just keeping quiet.

4. A Refusal To Engage In Difficult Conversations

Sometimes, the hardest discussions to have are the most important ones. And you can’t keep on putting these discussions off just because they somehow make you feel uncomfortable. You must be willing to talk to your partner about anything.

5. A Negative Demeanor And Outlook On Life

Stop being so negative and pessimistic about everything. You are going to be such a downer, and no one will want to be around you if you keep on being like that.

6. Airing Of Your Dirty Laundry

Keep the most intimate aspects of your life private. There’s no reason for you to be discussing your problems with your friends. Respect your partner’s privacy.

7. Ceasing To Take Care Of Yourself

Always make it a point to take care of yourself even when you’re in a relationship with someone. Show your partner that you’re still willing to put in the effort to be your best for them.

8. Getting Distracted Too Easily

Don’t let distractions get the best of you. When you spend quality time with one another, make sure that you put your phone down. Focus on yourselves, even for just a little bit. Focus on the love you have for one another.

9. Not Actively Listening

Communication is an essential aspect of any relationship. You must always make it a point to engage in conversation with your partner actively. And part of being an excellent communicator is a good listener.

10. Immature Arguments

Among the top silent killers of relationships. Never resort to personal attacks and malignant comments when you’re arguing with one another. Always keep things civil and mature. Argue like real grown-ups who are genuinely trying to hear each other out instead of tearing each other down.

11. Failure To Make One Another Feel Appreciated

Don’t take each other for granted. Sure, it’s nice that your relationship has attained for itself a sense of stability. But that doesn’t mean that you are allowed to be complacent. Make sure that your partner knows just how much you appreciate them. Make their presence in your life feel validated.

12. Unreasonable Expectations

You always need to be able to maintain reasonable expectations for each other and the relationship. Otherwise, you are setting each other up for failure and disappointment; and no one wants that.

Talk to me

What silent killers of relationships have you faced? Do you agree with what I’ve said? Talk to me in the comments below!

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