5 Things a Real Man Does When He’s in a Relationship

Every woman has a sketch of a “real man” in their mind, someone they would want to date. More than a perfect man they look for a man who will match the idea of a real man. Some men consider themselves to be the real men that all women desire. These men are so not the ones that girls look for.

On the other hand, some men underestimate themselves and think that they don’t fall into the category of real men. Both of their thoughts could be wrong and can be the other way round. It’s not easy to detect if a man is genuinely the man that a woman is looking for or is he someone wearing a mask of a real man and is the opposite of the idea of an ideal/real man. You can only find out if someone is a real man or not through observing their actions. Real men are different from those playboys who date women for the sake of fun. Their behavior sets them apart from non-serious guys who women encounter now and then. A real man is genuine in everything he does, and his goodness will make you fall for him. You just cannot ignore the real ones whereas the men opposite to them will irritate you in rather a few meet-ups.

Here are some noticeable characteristics that we all should notice before tagging anyone with the tag of a real man, they are the must-haves as a part of their personality:

1.  A real man loves and respects his woman for who she is

A real man will never want his girl to change any of her characters. He will cherish and appreciate her for who she is. He will accept her darkness, madness, and all the goodness she carries within herself. He will love her not only for her physical beauty but for her mind and soul. Materialistic things do not matter to him. He treats her like a lady, and gives her all the regard and respect that she deserves. He doesn’t mind making her feel special. He will enjoy cooking for her, and he will make her unique in every possible way by making small efforts that will mean a lot to her.

2. A real man commits to the relationship fully

Unlike those guys whose intentions are to fool around and not fully commit to their relationship, real men genuinely commit to a relationship. They proudly introduce their partners to the important people in their lives. They will not hide their beloved. They will put in all their efforts to nurture and build the relationship stronger. He will stay loyal to his girl. He will not wander and satisfy his lust. He will find all his happiness in the girl he will commit to. He will not let his desires take over him and will stay faithful to his companion. In this world where staying faithful seems like climbing a mountain, he will climb it very swiftly and effortlessly.

3. A real man steps up and makes the tough decisions

A real man will not be afraid to make tough calls. He will fearlessly take risks and will stand firmly by them. He will take his partner’s opinions and advice and will consider them before taking a grave decision. He doesn’t want to take all the credit for taking a particular step. Instead, he wants to make the situation better for both of them. His primary concern will be to look after his girl and make her feel a part of his important events in life. He will listen to her and if suitable will include her opinions in his decision-making process. Women dislike indecisive men, and they want them to take charge of crucial situations that come their way.

4. A real man speaks his mind—always

real men will make sure to speak their minds. They will not enjoy agreeing to everything their partner speaks. They have their personality, thoughts, and ideas and they would want to stick by them. They will be straightforward with you and disagree with you if needed. He will find it better to argue or debate over things rather than lose his control and lash out at his girl.

5. A real man pursues other passion

Boys who make girls their center of attention and leave behind their all other desire are no real men. A real man will balance his love life and other passions that contribute to his happiness. He will make sure to give you your space and will have his own. He will believe that his relationship should not be the only thing defining him. He should be known for his passions and other interests. This makes his personality unique and attractive.

  1. All five carries ‘a real man’ in the titles 🤓
    And the paradox is, a real man doesn’t need a write up to understand. He knows within. The way he’s made. The God’s man.

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