Relationships are complicated and they can be a real pain the head. However, there is always an added level of complication whenever someone is carrying emotional baggage into a current relationship. It tends to be less complicated whenever you are falling in love with someone who has no relationship history or emotional baggage. You definitely know that you are starting fresh with this guy and he’s practically a blank canvas with his emotions.
However, a guy who has had relationship history might prove to be a little more complicated than you think. He might say that he has completely gotten over his ex but the truth is that he might still have feelings for her. In fact, it’s not too rare for guys to think that they’ve moved on even when they really haven’t. And that can prove to be troublesome for starting a new relationship. Any added emotional baggage could bring with it some toxicity and extra weight into a budding romance.
That is why you always want to make sure that any guy that you’re dating is always going to have a fresh mind and a fresh heart. You want someone who you know you can build a new relationship from scratch with. You want to be with a guy who isn’t hung up over someone else. You don’t want to have to share his attention with a romantic lover from his past.
But how do you know for certain whether a man has truly gotten over his ex or not? Well, there are a few telling signs that you can choose to keep an eye out for. If you happen to notice that a lot of these things apply to your man in your relationship, then you have reason to rejoice and be happy. If he exhibits a lot of these behaviors, it’s very likely that he has gotten over his ex already and he’s ready to start a new relationship with you.
1. He is genuinely happy for his ex.
You might think that if he talks ill of his ex, then that would be a sign of him being genuinely over her. But that’s definitely not always the case. In fact, more often than not, a man who carries negative feelings towards his ex is someone who has a lot of negative baggage that has yet to address or resolve on his own.
2. He has burned bridges with his ex.
He doesn’t really try to get in touch with his ex anymore. He has definitely burned bridges with her and he’s not interested in trying to establish contact with her now that their relationship is over. This is a clear sign that he’s no longer hung up over her.
3. He doesn’t bring her up unless you ask about her.
He never brings his ex up during the conversations that you have with one another. In fact, the only times he ever brings her up is when you ask him about it. Otherwise, he doesn’t really think of her. She doesn’t really cross his mind anymore because he has started to focus on other aspects of life.
4. He has made it known to people that he’s single again.
He is no longer hiding the fact that he’s single. He is making it known to those around him that he is back on the market and that he is ready to move on from his previous romantic life. He is trying to leave the past behind him. He’s moving forward and he isn’t looking back. He doesn’t cling to the hope that they’re going to get back together.
5. He has explored the world of dating again.
He has opened himself up to dating again. He has jumped right back into the dating pool. He is opening himself up to the prospect of falling in love with someone else because he has let go of the love that he had for his old flame.
6. He carries a lot of positive energy.
Whenever someone goes through a breakup, it’s rarely ever an easy process. It’s always difficult to have to get over the heartbreak that comes with having to detach yourself from someone you were once deathly in love with. It can really take a toll on a person’s positive energy. And if he seems like he isn’t being bogged down by negative energy anymore, then that is definitely a good sign.
7. He does a lot of things that inspire him and make him happy.
And lastly, one of the most definitive signs that a guy has gotten over his ex is when he starts to really focus on himself again. He is no longer aching over losing his ex because he’s too busy just living his best life possible. He spends a lot of time doing the things that he loves to do the most. He is following his passions and his inspiration.