Real men don’t play games.
Too many people are just too caught up in playing the dating game these days that they forgot that love shouldn’t even be a game to begin with. They try so hard to put their moves on prospective dates, and they end up forgetting the whole point of the romantic experience. You shouldn’t have to play that game if you’re not into it. You shouldn’t have to put up with a guy who only knows how to treat love like a game. In fact, if you want, you should wait for a man who walks into your life and makes you forgot about all the immature men you’ve ever met in your life. This man is going to be a breath of fresh air to you in such a toxic dating environment.
This is a guy who understands what he wants out of life and love. He is a guy who isn’t afraid to go after what he wants with dignity and respects. If you’re wondering more about what this guy is going to be like, here are 10 things that you can expect from a man who doesn’t play games:
1. You aren’t going to have to second-guess how he feels about you.
If he really likes you, he’s going to tell you about it. He isn’t going to make you feel like you have to doubt how he feels about you. He is going to make all of his intentions and expectations very clear even at the start. He is going to ensure that you never have any cause to second-guess yourself.
2. You aren’t going to have constant anxiety attacks.
You won’t be left constantly wondering about something that you may or may not have done wrong. He won’t be guilting you into thinking that you screwed up big time. He isn’t going to manipulate or abuse your emotional vulnerability.
3. He isn’t going to be ashamed of how he feels about you.
He likes you. He’s interested in you. He may even love you. And he isn’t going to be ashamed about it. He isn’t going to shy away from his feelings. He isn’t going to be scared of whatever emotions he will be forced t confront. He will own up to his feelings and he won’t hesitate to express them to you.
4. You aren’t going to have to constantly keep your defenses up.
He isn’t going to make you feel like you have to guard or defend yourself. He is never going to serve as a threat to your emotional state or mental health. He is always going to make it a point to make you feel like you can trust him because he respects you and he treats you right at all times.
5. You aren’t going to be uncomfortable with opening up to him about how you feel.
He will always do his best to make you feel comfortable around him. He isn’t going to make you feel judged for whatever you might have to say or express to him. He isn’t going to demean who you are or make you feel like you have to censor yourself just to please him. He is going to fully accept who you are and what you say.
6. He isn’t going to serve as a threat to your confidence or sense of self-worth.
He is never going to throw any underhanded comments your way to keep you guessing. He is never going to belittle you to the point wherein you have to second-guess your worth in the relationship. He will always be looking for ways to serve as a confidence booster in your life.
7. He isn’t going to be afraid of actually defining the relationship.
He will always want to put your mind at ease. He won’t have any troubles with defining the relationship with you. In fact, he will want to solidify things with you as much as possible. He won’t want to keep you waiting. He won’t want you to be kept in the dark about how he feels about you.
8. You won’t have to play games with him either.
A lot of times, when you’re dealing with players, you feel like you are forced to play the game with them as well even when you don’t want to. But the great thing about him, he won’t force you to play the game. He’s not having any of that. He’s very much serious about his feelings for you. He’s not looking to play any games and so you won’t have to either.
9. You are going to really understand what it means to love someone effortlessly.
And since you’re not playing games with each other, things will be so much simpler between the two of you. This is where you really discover what it means to have an effortless love affair with someone.
Talk to me
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I am a male who introspected for years and was very in my head. I feel so much more clarity in life finally and my gut picks up on games fast now. I dont find them fun and i will not play. I dont try to change them but do express to them i noticed.
Looking for someone who realizes the same thing i did: we are all terrified to accept ourselves and others deeply. We are terrified of what it means to be alive. No one that feels this will play games or feel anything but priviledged to be let into someone elses inner world – even if they reject you in someway and leave.