9-Year-Old Bailey Cooper Barely Clung to Life to Meet Newborn Sister

Images Credits: Lee Curtis

When Bailey Cooper had just relapsed from cancer for the second time in 2017, his mother Rachel Cooper learned that she was pregnant. The news struck the family hard as the prognosis wasn’t good for the bubbly 9-year-old. But Bailey was determined to live long enough to be able to do one thing: meet his future baby sister.

In an interview with People magazine, Bailey’s dad, Lee Cooper, said:

“All he was concerned about was meeting his little sister. Bailey knew something wasn’t right. He could feel it in himself,”

“We got told the news late August that he wasn’t going to survive… He was taking it in … He was thinking, ‘Oh no, I won’t meet my sister.’”

A Mix of Good and Bad News

Rachel and Lee Cooper, residents of Bristol in the United Kingdom, revealed to their children Bailey and Riley that Rachel was pregnant with their future baby sister, Millie. The elder brother Bailey was elated with the news despite being diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma back in 2016.

Lee said:

“When we told him, it completely lifted him. He was completely over the moon,”

Bailey initially became ill back in 2016. When his doctors diagnosed him, the boy remained hopeful despite everything. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a form of cancer that impacts the body’s lymphatic system. That means that the body’s ability to transport white blood cells and boost one’s immune system becomes compromised.

Bailey was diagnosed with stage three cancer and underwent chemotherapy immediately for a few months before he went into remission in February 2017. The family saw a glimmer of hope when Bailey was told to bring him in every three months for a routine checkup.

However, it was while the family was on vacation just a few months later when they received the harrowing news. Rachel recalled:

 “We were in Paignton zoo when we had a phone call from the hospital that he had relapsed and they needed him back in. Bailey showed signs that he was breathless and tired,”

A Touching Goodbye

Bailey’s organs had already undergone irreparable damage due to his tumors, and it seemed highly unlikely that he would get to live longer. The poor boy was going through so much physical pain, and he had resigned himself to the fact that he would not get to live very long.

However, he still kept a cheerful disposition, even requesting that people wear superhero outfits to his funeral. Of course, the impending birth of his baby sister kept pushing him forward.

Baby Millie Cooper was born on November 30, 2017, and Bailey was there to help welcome her into the world. Cooper said:

“Right from the day Millie was born, Bailey was smitten with her,”

“In his short time with Millie he held her, fed her, bathed her, changed her and sang to her every day until he physically couldn’t do it anymore. He did everything he set out to do in meeting his sister.”

Share Your Thoughts

Isn’t it such a heartwarming story? Write your message for Bailey and his loving family in the comment section down below.

  1. Bailey you are the best brother in this whole universe. You are the super hero of all the super heroes.

  2. I just read this story. I don”t know you nor your family but I’m crying so hard. I have a friend with a similar story. He fought so hard. He was so strong, I felt so weak. I try to understand , but I can’t. God Bless you and your family. So many people, fight, complain, when in life we all need to appreciate it a little more, take nothing for granted, and don’t let stupid little crap that happens everyday in are lives a big deal. I wish you all a life of love and good health. Your story that you shared should touch everyone, it has touched me. God Bless you, Doreen from NJ united States.

  3. Most amazing child in the world, I was glad when u fought to hold on til ur baby sister was bored. R.I.H sweet boy. Thoughts and prayers to ur family.

  4. Good job, Bailey. You are a hero to your little sister. Bless you and your family I’m sorry you had to leave at such a young age. Your story hurts my heart but also puts a smile on my face. You are the best big brother a little sister could ask for. Rip Bailey and God bless you and your family.

  5. What a great brother you are. You will miss her but please know that you will be together again in the future. In the meantime just keep remember all the good times you had and you will be with her through all eternity!

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