Mom says She Accidentally Named her Kids after Fictional Characters, and now She Regrets Her Decision

A mother of twins says that she named her twin children after TV characters, and now she regrets her decision, big time!

The mom-of-two said she rushed naming her children, and now she feels unhappy with her decision.

According to The Sun, “She explained that when her babies were six-months-old, their names hadn’t been officially registered yet. She felt “rushed” and had been taking Tramadol after giving birth.”

“As a result, she ended up accidentally naming her twins after a brother and sister from a popular children’s book and television series – Charlie and Lola.”

Writing anonymously on NetMums, the young mother initially revealed that she liked both names and was quite happy with her decision, but now she feels awkward whenever she introduces her kids to someone.

 “I needed some advice; I have twins which I named Charlie (boy) and Lola,” she wrote in her post.

“Don’t get me wrong I love both the names but I feel like I made the wrong decision and I always get awkward reactions when people ask.

“I had doubts originally when I first had them as I had been on Tramadol for days and felt like I may have rushed the decision.”

“I am due to go and register them soon and am feeling under pressure to make a decision by then,” the mom continued. “ If I do change a name it will be from Lola to Lila, so only one letter different and not too confusing for anyone, including the baby.”

She further said that she is worried that when her kids grow up, people will mock them for their names, and she doesn’t want them to feel uncomfortable about their names.

“I am worried about them being laughed at because of the programme ‘Charlie and Lola’”, she said.

“My partner thinks I’m being ridiculous but I’m the one who spends more time with other parents and children and I always dread peoples reaction when they ask their names.”

Her post on NetMums received a good response overall, and many people reassured the mother that she should not care about what other people will think about her kids’ names and that their opinion doesn’t matter.

“I personally think Lola is much nicer than Lila… and more unique too, I seem to see a lot of Layla and Lila but haven’t seen a Lola, I think it’s lovely,” one person commented.

“Of course, it’s your decision and as babies haven’t even been registered yet I don’t think it’s too late at all, your little girl won’t realise that was even her name yet and everybody else will get used to it,” added another.

“I would keep them if you like them – sod what others think,” another wrote.

“I’ll be honest and say it shouldn’t really matter why you named your children what you did, whether it’s linked to a TV programme, book or song title or it just jumped out at you as a name you loved, that’s totally your business,” someone commented.

Share Your Thoughts:

What are your views on the twins’ names? Should the mother stick to her original decision or does she need to change their names? Let us know your views in the comments.

Sources: NetMumsThe Sun

1 comment
  1. Yea Tramadol is literally like half a step above Tylenol. Haha sorry lady it had nothing to do with you picking names for your kids. Haha but really, after 6 MONTHS you still feel rushed? Let’s be honest clearly there is more going on here than a very weak pain med. SIDE NOTE, use of any pain medication is OPTIONAL, sorry that’s on you.

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