Dear Relationship Rules, I’m married, but my husband is denying that we’re married. He says he wants to be called my boyfriend. I’m confused about what’s going on. We’ve been together for years and we have kids together. I don’t know why he’s doing this all of a sudden. Is he having an affair? Is he going through a mid-life crisis?

I’ve told my husband multiple times that I’m not comfortable with him calling himself my boyfriend, but he keeps doing it anyway. It’s starting to make me feel uncomfortable and I don’t know how to make him stop. I’ve tried asking him why he insists on doing this, but he doesn’t seem to have a reason. It’s just something he’s started doing and it’s really bugging me. I don’t know what to do about it.

He has started showing more signs of drifting away from the “marriage” tag. Whenever my family members come over and talk to him about anything marriage-related, he gets really awkward and starts distancing himself from the questions. What do you think is wrong with my husband?
Our Response:
Dear Anonymous, we sincerely think you and your husband need to get couples therapy as soon as possible. He seems to be going through something serious and doesn’t want to open up about it. In order to save your marriage, it’s highly important to sit down with a professional and let him open up about why he’s being distant from the idea of being a husband.
Sometimes, we go through so much in life that we start accumulating everything inside. Those things become traumas and start manifesting in different ways and actions. We think this could be one of those times. We hope you and your husband can find a way to heal through professional help. All the best!
Responses From Fans:
One person commented:
“Give him a divorce and see how he would do with being called an “ex” and giving “child support” That might fix his response”
Another person said:
The “label” seems important to you so you need to discuss it with him yet focus first on the “functionality” is he acting as a husband even if he is calling himself a “boyfriend”? if not then that should be your main focus first, if he is, then maybe he is looking for the excitement of having a “girlfriend”, work together to change the routine and have a more exciting & fulfilling relationship.
One more person was like:
I’d divorce him, and give him his label permanently. Life is to short to be dealing with people who don’t know what the really desire. We waste too much time on people who are not our match, trying to make them be and act as we want. Keep it moving and take it as a lesson learned.
One person added:
“When a man denies the truth about the two of you it’s always not a good sign. Do some fact checks and find out what’s triggering him to make such statements. Unless he is mentally and/or psychologically disturbed he must be cooking something up behind your back.”
This question is getting a lot of responses from our fans, you can read them all on our Facebook page here.
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