10 Curious Things You Should Never Say To Your Girlfriend – What Not To Tell A Girl

Things You Should Never Say To Your Girlfriend

Women are complicated beings. They are beautiful and amazing, but it is not easy understanding their state of mind. This article might help you deal with specific situations when talking to the ladies.

Here are ten things you should never say to your girlfriend.

Things You Should Never Say To Your Girlfriend

1. Too Many Guys Friends

As a guy, it is one of the weakest moves to make at the beginning of a relationship to tell your girlfriend That she talks to too many guys, and you don’t like it. Once you make this mistake, you’ll always be tagged As insecure, and bounding and that comfort level might never come back. She might start hiding stuff. From you, they may be minor things, but she will still protect them to not hear sermons from you in Return. Relationships are all about trust and space, give them their area, and give them your confidence; you will get the same in return. Don’t be insecure.

2. Let’s Talk Later

If you suddenly end a conversation with your girlfriend, she will know something’s up. Don’t, ever, abruptly End a conversation and tell her you’ll talk to her later. A woman’s mind is a compelling and yet dangerous Thing, don’t let it build a million questions and stories about you like – why is he ignoring me?, Is he not interested in me anymore? Was it something I said? Is he cheating on me?. Give her proper attention And time, and if you are busy, you need to let her know why.

3. I Love You – Let’s Start Dating

If you’re interested in someone you need to take your time with her, you can’t just tell her in your first-ever Meet up that you want to date her. You need to build chemistry first, or it never works out in the long run. Don’t make yourself seem easy; don’t throw yourself at her unless you want to be in a one-sided relationship where you won’t be given any respect. Let the love and chemistry grow; you’ll know when the time is right for you to ask her out, and it’ll be perfect.

4. How Many Guys?

You can’t ask this horrid question at the beginning of your relationship. If you just started seeing someone And you just went on and asked her How many guys have you slept with? It’s not only going to look bad, but it will make you seem insecure, and she will think you don’t trust her. You can ask such questions when you’re so deep down in the relationship that such questions won’t matter.

5. Hi, I’m Sherlock

So you just started dating, and she suddenly wasn’t able to pick up your call or reply to you; you DON’T suddenly Become Sherlock Holmes and start messaging her after every second and start calling her friends up to know where she is. All of this will only make you seem like an insanely possessive guy, she might just be sleeping or Be busy with work or family, but once you make this mistake, you’ll forever scare her. Be patient and give her space.

6. You Should Never Tell A Woman That Do You Like Me?

Like my previous point, don’t be desperate and easy to get. If you are on your second date and you suddenly Start bringing up questions like Do you like me?, It’s going to make you seem like a fast person who can’t Wait for her to decide. Give it time, be patient, if she likes you she’ll tell you. Don’t make her run away.

7. I’m Super Critical

I appreciate the things she does for you and doesn’t be hypercritical about her every move. If she cooked Something for you and it didn’t taste as a Five Michelin Star Chef made it, don’t be all Master Chef On her and start criticizing her cooking skills. The same goes for what she’s wearing; if she’s trying her best to look good, you need to tell her that she does; don’t tell her she could have looked better. All of these things Will stop her from putting an effort for you in the future.

8. You Should Never Say To Your Girlfriend That Give Me Your Phone

Yeah, this article focuses on insecurities because there are a lot of them. You can’t seem so super insecure in the beginning, or the end will be very soon. If you see her texting or calling, don’t ask for her phone. You might get her phone, but you will lose her in return. Don’t invade her personal space; we all need our own lives to be ourselves.

9. You Should Never Say To Your Girlfriend That I Need Your Passwords

Another major point of insecurity comes when you suddenly ask for her passwords, and you’re not even On your third date yet. Insecurities help women kill the respect they have for you. If you’re dating someone and it’s been years, these things don’t matter one bit. But in new relationships, such mistakes build substantial gaps between you and your partner, and those gaps never go away.

10. You Don’t Look Good Today

As I mentioned earlier, don’t be hypercritical. Women aren’t always feeling the same every day, Some days they might dress up and make you go crazy over them, some days they want to be In the Pjs and snuggle with you without hearing they’re not dressed good enough for you. Make them know they can be comfortable around you and that what they wear and how they look doesn’t matter. to you because that’s what love is all about.

Talk to me

Do you agree? What are some of the things you should never say to your girlfriend or partner that I haven’t mentioned here? Talk to me in the comments, below!

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