As a society, we need to take care of one another. If we see someone in trouble, our first instinct should be to help them out rather just than stand there and watch. When it comes to women, they go through a more challenging life because of how certain men treat them – they make them feel unsafe.

Today’s Reddit post is about a lot of good men who stood by women who were strangers to them and helped them out when they saw the need to.
23 Men Protecting Women From Creepy Men

Redditor wizardoflaw posted a question on AskMen, they said:
“A girl approaches you and says, ‘pretend we’re friends. I’m being followed.’ What would you do?”
This post went viral and a lot of people came to tell their stories. Here are 23 of the best ones:
1. fathertime979 said:
“Throw my arm around her, say how exited I am to see her. And walk into the nearest very public and crowded place till she’s safe.”
2. HaDeS_Monsta wrote:
“Pretending to be friends until she feels safe”
3. PotentialFriend8 commented:
“I’d probably turn around and confront the dude. Wouldn’t even out of bravery or something, I hate people walking behind me, so it’ll be even worse if it some creep.”
4. Abba_RA simply said:
“Do exactly as she says”
5. Corrupted_G_nome chimed in:
“I high five her and ask how her mom is doing and then we walk together whichever way…”
6. RedNewYorker shared a story:
“This happened to me once on the subway in NYC. It was late at night. We took the train and she got off two stops later. It was a reminder of how much I don’t worry about my own personal safety. I worry but I don’t worry the way most women might.”
7. WulfgarSh*tsfired wrote:
“OMG it’s been a while, how’s your family doing?”
8. RobouteGuilliman said:
“Loudly: ‘Hey! Oh my god it’s been forever! How are you? I was just going to grab a cab, do you want to join?'”

9. JAproofrok shared a scary story that turned out okay in the end:
“Happened to me in Chicago a few years back. My fiancée and I owned a little clothing shop in a pretty nice area (not that it helped us any hah!), and a women who was pushing a stroller, walked up to me and put her arm in mine, and whispered ‘please walk with me'”
“She discreetly pointed to a pretty sketchy looking dude down the alley. He had been following her for a few blocks.”
“She told me she’s seen him before and she’s very worried he wanted her purse (or worse). So I walked her to the Starbucks two blocks down where she was meeting a group of friends. The guy stopped following when he saw she was with a dude. I’m not huge by any means but I’m 6’1” so at least there’s that.”
“I was just so glad it worked. Poor woman … can’t imagine that fear—especially when you’ve got a newborn with you.”
10. DrenkBolij shared a long story:
“This happened to me about three years ago. I was in Home Depot and a young woman (about half my age) walked up to me, with a guy right on her shoulder babbling about something, and she said ‘Uncle Steve! I didn’t think I’d see you until Mom’s birthday party!’ I looked at her a little confused, but she made a ‘help me!’ face, and so I said ‘Well, you’re in town already! This is a fun surprise! You wanna shop together? We can talk a little while we get our stuff.’ She gave the kind of look I expect Superman gets when he plucks somebody from a burning building.”
“Creepy guy was still there, so I made my voice a little gruff and said ‘Do you need something?’ He said no and went away. We shopped and got our stuff, checked out, I walked her to her car and watched while she drove away.”
11. Lt_Jay wrote:
“Actually happened to me once. Girl approached my wife and me at a bar and asked if I could pretend to be her brother, some guy was creepin’ her out. I was just like ‘Hey, there you are…didn’t you see us sitting here?’ Dude left.”
12. foldbackclip shared her own story of how a man helped her:
“Aw man. I remember being at a bar and telling this guy I had a boyfriend and still getting harassed, dude was all up in my personal space, like, right up in it, and some big Viking looking dude put his arm around me, looks the dude in the eye and goes ‘I’m the boyfriend'”
“I was left alone for the rest of the night haha.”
“I dont know who you are big Viking dude because you disappeared into the night, but I hope you’re living your best life.”
13. Sparky81 simply shared:
“Pretend we’re friends”

14. ErrorMacrotheII wrote his own story:
“This actually happened to me in the autumn. A girl sat next to me on the train becouse a creep was following her.”
“It was funny becouse I think I look like a creep.”
15. chaoticcneutral said:
“Happened to me. Or close to it. She wasn’t being followed, but a creepy person was trying to intoxicate her in a packed bar. I noticed, approachd her and said ‘oh heey!! Long time no see, how are you doing?’ (I’ve never seen her before)”
“She immediately reacted and started chatting with me. After a while the person tried to pull her back saying ‘hey, she’s with me’ and I was like ‘oh not right now dude, we haven’t seen each other for a long time’.”
“We ended up dating.”
16. vikingdaddy42 shared:
“Pretend we are friends. Adjust body language to express that we know each other. Stay with her to make sure she is safe, but control the situation. Do not let her guide you somewhere. Keep it public.”
“Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. She could be in real danger but so could you and she is in on it. Last thing you want is to try and do the right thing only for her to be in on it and get ambushed.”
17. Agent_Orangina_ wrote:
“Engage in conversation, take mental notes of where we are, and get a description of the person they are referencing. From there, try to direct us to someplace public with security.”
18. distrucktocon simply wrote:
“Help a sister out”

19. Lifelongfailure1 said:
“Been in a similar situation before, I was going home when I seen 2 teenage girls walking, behind them was 2 grown ass men on push bikes wolf whistling to them an cat calling! I asked the girls if they wanted me to walk with them until they got where they were going! Men disappeared and one of the girls parents then accused me of hanging around with teenagers until there daughter stepped up and said what was happening, her dad then wrapped his arms around me and said ‘what a man, thank you for being a great bloke'”
20. Obsidian-Thain shared:
“One time in a bar years back, a girl came up behind me and said urgently ‘pretend to be my boyfriend. Please.'”
“I see an angry guy shoving his way through the crowd towards us. I causally put my arm over her shoulder, and made eye contact with him. She was trembling violently.”
“He slowed a bit. I’m 6’4, 240. I just glared at him. We’re standing at the bar; he’s approaching from behind, she’s on my left staring straight ahead, with her back to him, I’m looking at him over my left shoulder.”
“I kinda growled ‘what?’ at him as he stopped. He mumbled something I couldn’t hear over the music, and cleared off. After a minute, she stopped shaking, said thanks, and left. And that was it.”
21. spazzmunky wrote:
“I’ve been in this situation before. She sat down next to me at the bar and started talking like we were old friends. I was confused at first, but then noticed she kept looking over my shoulder and figured it out pretty quick. We talked for a few minutes before she visibly relaxed and informed me what was going on. Dude was being super aggressive with her at another bar and she left, but he followed her, so she ducked into this one to get away, but he followed her in. He came back about 10 minutes later, but by that time the rest of the guys from my platoon and some townies we were friends with were around and I had briefed them on the situation. When they walked in, about a quarter of the bar turned to stare at them and they quickly left.”
22. apolicywonk shared his own story of helping out two women:
“This happened to me in Vegas…it was wild. Two girls walked up to me and a friend of mine at a bar with a creepy older guy hovering behind them. They started talking to us as if our parties were together. I was so confused but caught on, and awkwardly asked if they wanted to go get another round at the bar before realizing their drinks were full. I joking grabbed one of their cocktails and downed it to give us an excuse to go – it was one of the last things I remember from that night. The guy had roofied her drink.”
“I’m not a small dude (easily had the girl by 70lbs) and within 30 mins (I’m told) shit went sideways for me. Before I lost track of everything, I distinctly remember him watching us like he was waiting for something. To this day I’m grateful I picked her drink.”
23. Sagoingne wrote:
“I’m 6′ 3 ~250lb and I cannot count on both hands how many times a scared woman has joined my brothers and I or my friends and I, asking if we can pretend to know her because of some guy not taking no for an answer. We’ve walked people to cars, gotten people cabs, waited with them until they felt safer. I am always happy to help them, because I hope someone will do the same for my female friends, but it’s sad that the need is there.”
You can read all of the replies and comments on Reddit here.
Share Your Thoughts
Have you been in a similar situation? Share your story in the comments below!
Source: Reddit
I have two stories.
One I was out at a bar one night, use to go alone since I knew the band that was playing most weekends (all of them were guys in the band and knew the sound guy manager etc of the bands) I was by the front of the stage. A guy walks up wanting to dance with me all was fine until he got a little to handsy I felt uncomfortable, looked at the member of the band said help guy leaned down to the guy said something but he didn’t stop so next thing I know security is walking the guy out.
Another time me two friends and my one friends boyfriend are out celebrating my birthday at a bar, some guy walked up to us all (friends boyfriend stepped away for a minute) asked to buy us drinks me and my one friend say sure my other friend is pregnant so she says no. Walk over to the bar and he buys three drinks we ordered them and stood right there while the bartender who we know makes them. so he had no chance of putting something in them but after he won’t leave us alone after many times of trying to avoid him we see him being carried out of the bar over the shoulder of a bouncer. He was very drunk and it was very early in the evening when all this went down. (Oh and that third drink he bought my pregnant friend held and kept poring into my cup so it didn’t go to waist) also want to add that the bounce that carried the guy out we knew as well.