7 Things You Should Avoid Doing In A Relationship With Your Man

Yes, it’s perfectly okay for you to assume that your man is going to love you unconditionally but you shouldn’t be taking that love for granted.

Relationships are great if they’re done right. Two people meet and decide to take a chance on one another. They endure all the initial awkwardness of getting to know each other and they allow themselves to fall in love. Then they go through all sorts of relationship milestones together. They go out on their first date. They have their first kiss together. They have their first big fight. They kiss and make up. It’s a wonderful thing. When you get into a relationship as an individual, you feel yourself growing and developing alongside another person and it can be liberating. You feel a general sense of comfort and ease whenever you’re together.

You have somehow learned to naturally be comfortable around one another even when you’re together for prolonged periods of time.  However, this can also be a double edged sword. A lot of couples will fall into the trap of being TOO comfortable around each other. When this happens, they will forget about all the effort that they actually need to put into a relationship in order to make it work. They will grow complacent and they will grow tactless. They won’t put too much thought into the things that they say or do to one another and it might spell eventual trouble for the relationship.

That’s why no matter how comfortable you get in one another, you can’t afford to let yourselves get careless. There are still some big no-no’s that you need to avoid doing if you want to make sure that your relationship is going to last for a long time.  Yes, it’s perfectly okay for you to assume that your man is going to love you unconditionally but you shouldn’t be taking that love for granted. You have to remember that as human beings, we all have our limits. We can only tolerate so much negativity before we can allow it to break us. So you have to make sure to be mindful of your man’s willingness to be patient and understanding.

You have to remember to always maintain your tact and make sure that you don’t do anything to rock the boat in the relationship. Yes, it’s good to have some nice and innocent fun with each other as often as you can; but you can’t just let yourselves loose and act crazy around each other all the time. You still have to be acting like mature and intelligent adults who are actually worthy of being in a loving relationship.  So if you need a little reminder, then here you go. Here are a few things that you should never do in front of your man.

1. Talk yourself down in an effort to fish compliments from him.

It’s pathetic. It will make you seem like you are desperate for compliments and that you’re insecure about who you are. You don’t want to be the person who is constantly relying on the validation of others in order to feel okay with who you are as an individual.

2. Insist on driving even when you’re terrible at it.

Not to say that all women are bad at driving. It’s just that there are people, both male and female, who are terrible drivers. If a lot of people are telling you that you’re a bad driver, it’s probably because you are. Don’t put the lives of other people at risk just because of your pride. Let others take the wheel.

3. Be insecure about the worth of who you are as a person.

Learn to love and appreciate who you are. Remember that people will only really ever love you as much as you can love yourself. You have to be able to give them a reason to love you and you have to find that reason out on your own.

4. Lose your cool.

Never lose your cool or your patience no matter how difficult things get. If your boyfriend screws up, then take the high road and handle things constructively and maturely. Don’t go crazy by letting your emotions get the best of you.

5. Act like a jealous fool.

Don’t be that girl who is always checking his social media activity. Don’t put too much meaning into the fact that he liked another girl’s picture on Instagram or Facebook. You don’t want to come off as too possessive and entitled.

6. Demean his manliness

If he doesn’t know how to fix your car, you shouldn’t demean his manhood for it. You have to remember that he is still a human being and that he can’t be perfect. So whenever he finds himself unable to do something, you shouldn’t be so quick to make him feel bad about it.

7. Compare him to old flames.

And lastly, one of the biggest cardinal rules of being in a relationship, never compare him to your exes. You won’t like how he’s going to react to it. This is a lose-lose situation.

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